翻訳 日本語 英語: 仲よし
辞書: main
1 Brother, Comrade, Friend, Lot, Set, acquaintance, ally, associate, band, buddy, bunch, chum, circle, collaborator, companion, compeer, cooperator, crew, crony, crowd, equal, familiar, family, fellow, fellowship, gang, like, match, mate, member, membership, pal, pardner, partner, peer, rank, sidekick, the like, the likes of.
2 Brother, Comrade, associate, beau, boyfriend, buddy, chum, class fellow, classmate, co-worker, colleague, companion, confrere, crony, familiar, fellow, fellow worker, pal, schoolfellow, schoolmate, sidekick, swain, workfellow, young man.
3 Brother, Comrade, associate, buddy, chum, class fellow, classmate, co-worker, colleague, companion, confrere, crony, familiar, fellow, fellow worker, girl, girlfriend, lady friend, pal, schoolfellow, schoolmate, sidekick, workfellow.
15 acquaintance, casualness, closeness, conversance, conversancy, familiarity, impropriety, indecorum, intimacy, liberty.
18 amity, closeness, companionship, company, cordiality, familiarity, fellowship, friendly relationship, friendship, intimacy, society.
19 closeness, confidence, faith, familiarity, intimacy, reliance, trust, trustfulness, trustingness.