Переклад англійською з японської: プロジェクト
Словник: main
1 British Labour Party, Department of Labor, DoL, Labor, Labor Department, Labour, Labour Party, childbed, confinement, labor movement, lying-in, parturiency, project, proletariat, task, toil, trade union movement, travail, undertaking, working class.
2 Job, Labor, Labour, business, line, line of work, occupation, project, task, toil, undertaking, work, workplace.
3 Job, Labor, Service, chore, duty, function, office, part, project, role, service of process, serving, task, undertaking.
4 Job, Labor, appointment, assignment, chore, duty assignment, function, incumbency, obligation, office, part, project, role, task, tenure, term of office, undertaking.
5 Job, Labor, assignment, chore, composition, issue, matter, paper, problem, project, report, subject, task, theme, topic, trouble, undertaking.
6 Job, Labor, assignment, chore, duty assignment, function, military mission, mission, obligation, office, part, project, role, task, undertaking.
7 Labor, business, business concern, business enterprise, business firm, business organisation, business organization, commercial enterprise, concern, enterprise, firm, house, project, task, undertaking.
8 Labor, business, business enterprise, commercial enterprise, industry, manufacture, operation, project, task, undertaking.