Переклад англійською з іспанської: tarea
Словник: main
2 British Labour Party, Department of Labor, DoL, Labor, Labor Department, Labour, Labour Party, childbed, confinement, labor movement, lying-in, parturiency, project, proletariat, task, toil, trade union movement, travail, undertaking, working class.
3 Job, Labor, Labour, business, line, line of work, occupation, project, task, toil, undertaking, work, workplace.
4 Job, Labor, Service, chore, duty, function, office, part, project, role, service of process, serving, task, undertaking.
5 Job, Labor, appointment, assignment, chore, duty assignment, function, incumbency, obligation, office, part, project, role, task, tenure, term of office, undertaking.
6 Job, Labor, assignment, chore, composition, issue, matter, paper, problem, project, report, subject, task, theme, topic, trouble, undertaking.
7 Job, Labor, assignment, chore, duty assignment, function, military mission, mission, obligation, office, part, project, role, task, undertaking.
9 Job, assignment, chore, duty assignment, function, office, part, province, responsibility, role, task.
10 Job, business, business enterprise, chore, commercial enterprise, employment, line, line of work, occupation, task, work.
11 Job, campaign, character, chore, duty, function, military campaign, office, part, persona, role, task, theatrical role.
14 Labor, business, business concern, business enterprise, business firm, business organisation, business organization, commercial enterprise, concern, enterprise, firm, house, project, task, undertaking.