Translation Spanish English: meter
Dictionary: main
1 abstain, allow, allow for, bequeath, cease, cheese, chuck up the sponge, countenance, defect, depart, desert, desist, discharge, discontinue, drop, drop by the wayside, drop off, drop out, entrust, exit, fall by the wayside, get out, give, give up, go out, hive away, knock off, lay in, lay off, lead, leave, leave alone, leave behind, leave office, lend, let, loan, permit, provide, pull up stakes, put down, put in, quit, refrain, resign, result, salt away, set down, stack away, stash away, step down, stop, store, throw in, throw in the towel, unload, will.
2 accept, admit, allow in, charge, commit, enclose, enrol, enroll, enter, feed, feed in, inclose, include, infix, inscribe, insert, institutionalise, institutionalize, introduce, intromit, let in, listen, live with, put in, recruit, send, stick in, swallow, tuck.
3 accumulate, amass, cache, collect, compile, heap, hive away, hive up, hoard, lay away, lay in, pile, pile up, put in, roll up, salt away, squirrel away, stack, stack away, stash, stash away, store, take in.
4 accumulate, amass, collect, compile, conglomerate, cumulate, gather, hive away, hoard, lay in, pile up, put in, roll up, salt away, stack away, stash away, store.
5 accumulate, amass, collect, compile, hive away, hoard, lay aside, lay in, pile up, preserve, put in, roll up, salt away, save, save up, stack away, stash away, store.
6 allow, appropriate, earmark, hive away, hold, hold back, hold on, keep, keep back, lay in, preserve, put in, reserve, retain, salt away, save, set aside, stack away, stash away, store.
7 appreciate, hive away, lay in, prize, put in, salt away, stack away, stash away, store, treasure, value.
8 assemble, crowd, crowd together, foregather, forgather, gather, get together, meet, pullulate, swarm, teem.
9 barge in, break in, butt in, chime in, chisel in, come in, cut in, enclose, enter, inclose, infix, inject, insert, interject, interpose, introduce, put in, stick in, throw in, tuck.
10 barge in, break in, butt in, chime in, chisel in, come in, cut in, enclose, hive away, inclose, inject, insert, instal, install, interject, interpose, introduce, lay in, put in, salt away, set up, stack away, stash away, stick in, store, submit, throw in.
11 barge in, break in, butt in, chime in, chisel in, cut in, deposit, enclose, enter, inclose, infix, insert, introduce, lodge, put in, stick, stick in, tuck, wedge.
12 bear down, bill, buck, burden, carry, charge, haul, heap, lade, laden, lay, load, load up, pack, saddle, shoot, shoot down, stow, take, tear, transport.
14 chock up, cram, crowd, force, herd, jam, jampack, ram, shove, squeeze, stuff, thrust, wad, wedge.
16 come in, enclose, enter, get in, get into, go in, go into, inclose, infix, innovate, insert, introduce, move into, put in, stick in, stow, submit.
17 comprise, contain, have, hive away, hold, incorporate, lay in, own, possess, preserve, put in, salt away, save, stack away, stash away, store.
18 crowd, crowd together, herd, hive away, insert, lay in, put in, salt away, stack away, stash away, store, stow, tuck.
21 enclose, enter, graft, inclose, infix, insert, introduce, plant, put in, set, stick in, transplant, tuck.
- Lexicographical index
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- metedura de pata
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- meter
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- meticuloso