Translation Spanish English: determinar
Dictionary: main
1 accommodate, conciliate, confab, confabulate, confer, consult, determine, reconcile, settle, square off, square up, tune, tune up.
2 account, aim, bet, calculate, cipher, compute, count, count on, cypher, depend, direct, estimate, figure, forecast, look, reckon, work out.
3 acquire, ascertain, check, con, determine, discover, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, hear, instruct, larn, learn, memorise, memorize, pick up, read, see, study, take, teach, watch.
4 act, affect, bear on, bear upon, determine, impact, influence, mold, regulate, shape, touch, touch on, work.
6 act upon, coerce, determine, force, hale, influence, mold, pressure, regulate, shape, squeeze, work.
7 actuate, alter, carry, change, control, determine, dislodge, displace, execute, incite, influence, modify, mold, motivate, move, operate, persuade, prompt, propel, regulate, reposition, run, shape, shift, sway, swing, swing over.
8 add on, affix, append, define, deposit, determine, fasten, fix, fixate, limit, posit, secure, set, situate, specify, supplement.
9 adjudicate, clean up, decide, determine, dispose of, do in, kill, knock off, liquidate, neaten, neutralise, neutralize, put aside, put away, resolve, settle, square away, square off, square up, straighten, straighten out, tidy, tidy up, waste.
10 adjudicate, clear, decide, determine, figure out, iron out, lick, put right, puzzle out, resolve, settle, solve, square off, square up, straighten out, work, work out.
11 adjudicate, conciliate, decide, descend, determine, ensconce, fall, finalise, finalize, get back, go down, go under, locate, make up, nail down, patch up, reconcile, resolve, root, settle, settle down, sink, square off, square up, steady down, subside, take root.
12 adjudicate, conclude, decide, determine, figure out, lick, purpose, puzzle out, resolve, set, settle, solve, work, work out.
14 adjust, arrange, coif, coiffe, coiffure, congeal, correct, countersink, define, determine, do, dress, fix, fructify, gear up, go down, go under, jell, lay, lay out, limit, localise, localize, mark, place, plant, pose, position, prepare, put, ready, rig, set, set up, sic, specify, typeset.
15 affect, associate, bear on, bear upon, colligate, come to, concern, connect, determine, have-to doe with, impact, influence, interrelate, involve, link, link up, mold, pertain, refer, regard, regulate, relate, shape, tie in, touch, touch on.
16 affect, determine, echo, influence, involve, mold, peal, regard, regulate, resound, reverberate, ring, shape.
17 agree, arrest, ascertain, assure, break, check, check into, check off, check out, check over, check up on, checker, chequer, chink, condition, contain, control, correspond, crack, curb, delay, determine, discipline, ensure, find out, fit, gibe, go over, hold, hold back, hold in, insure, jibe, learn, look into, mark, mark off, match, moderate, retard, see, see to it, stop, suss out, tally, tick, tick off, train, turn back, watch.
18 anticipate, calculate, call, conjecture, count on, estimate, figure, forebode, forecast, foreknow, foresee, foretell, guess, hypothecate, hypothesise, hypothesize, infer, predict, previse, prognosticate, promise, reckon, speculate, suppose, theorise, theorize.
19 anticipate, calculate, call, count on, envision, estimate, figure, forebode, forecast, foreknow, foresee, foretell, predict, previse, prognosticate, promise, reckon.
20 approximate, calculate, cipher, compute, count on, cypher, estimate, figure, forecast, gauge, guess, judge, reckon, work out.
21 arrange, center, centre, concentrate, define, determine, fasten, fix, fix up, fixate, focus, limit, pore, post, rivet, secure, set, specify.
22 ascertain, assay, assume, attempt, attend, catch, check, determine, essay, find, find out, follow, get a load, guard, have a look, keep an eye on, learn, look, look on, observe, presume, rate, search, see, seek, take a look, take care, take for granted, take in, try, try on, value, view, ward, watch, watch over, witness.
23 ascertain, assure, attend, catch, check, come across, consider, construe, control, date, determine, discover, encounter, ensure, envision, escort, examine, experience, fancy, figure, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, go out, go steady, go through, hear, image, insure, interpret, learn, look, meet, pick up, picture, project, realise, realize, reckon, regard, run across, run into, see, see to it, take care, take in, understand, view, visit, visualise, visualize, watch, witness.
24 ascertain, assure, behold, check, come across, control, determine, encounter, ensure, find, find out, insure, lay eyes on, learn, meet, realise, realize, run across, run into, see, see to it, understand, watch, witness.
25 ascertain, assure, check, check into, check out, check over, check up on, contain, control, curb, determine, ensure, find out, go over, hold, hold in, insure, learn, look into, manage, moderate, oversee, see, see to it, superintend, supervise, suss out, verify, watch.
26 ascertain, attain, bump, catch, chance, chance on, chance upon, come across, come over, come up, come upon, detect, determine, discover, encounter, fall upon, find, find out, get a line, get hold, get wind, get word, happen, happen upon, hear, learn, light upon, line up, locate, notice, observe, pick up, regain, see, situate, strike, turn up.
27 ascertain, bring, bring down, decide, define, determine, find, find out, fix, impose, inflict, limit, make for, make up one's mind, play, set, specify, visit, work, wreak.
28 ascertain, bump, catch out, chance, come across, come over, come up, detect, determine, discover, encounter, find, find out, get a line, get hold, get wind, get word, happen, hear, learn, line up, locate, notice, observe, pick up, regain, see, situate, turn up.
29 ascertain, bump, catch out, chance, detect, determine, discover, encounter, feel, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, happen, hear, learn, locate, notice, observe, pick up, regain, see, seek out, situate, turn up.
30 ascertain, bump, chance, come up, detect, determine, discover, encounter, feel, find, find oneself, find out, get, get hold, happen, incur, line up, notice, observe, obtain, receive, recover, regain, retrieve, rule, see, witness.
31 ascertain, calculate, check, decide, define, determine, find, find out, fix, forecast, influence, learn, limit, make up one's mind, mold, regulate, see, set, settle, shape, specify, square off, square up, watch.
32 ascertain, catch, check, consider, deal, determine, examine, find out, learn, look at, look on, see, take, take in, view, watch.
33 ascertain, catch, check, determine, find out, follow, keep an eye on, learn, look on, look out, observe, see, take in, view, watch, watch out, watch over.
34 ascertain, catch out, check, determine, discover, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, hear, learn, pick up, see, watch.
38 ascertain, clarify, clear, clear up, crystalise, crystalize, crystallise, crystallize, determine, elucidate, enlighten, find, find out, illuminate, ravel, ravel out, shed light on, sort out, straighten out, unravel.
39 ascertain, detect, determine, discern, discover, distinguish, find, find out, locate, make out, notice, observe, pick out, recognise, recognize, sight, spot, spy, tell apart, turn up.
41 assign, attribute, condition, define, determine, fix, limit, qualify, set, set apart, specify, stipulate.
42 assign, condition, define, delimit, delimitate, delineate, designate, destine, determine, fix, intend, limit, nail down, narrow, narrow down, particularise, particularize, peg down, pin down, qualify, set, set apart, specialise, specialize, specify, stipulate.
43 augur, auspicate, betoken, bode, calculate, count on, estimate, figure, forecast, foreshadow, foretell, omen, portend, predict, prefigure, presage, prognosticate, reckon.
44 baffle, determine, govern, influence, modulate, mold, order, regularise, regularize, regulate, shape.
45 bound, circumscribe, confine, curb, curtail, cut back, define, determine, fix, limit, qualify, restrain, restrict, set, specify, throttle, trammel.
46 build, constitute, demonstrate, determine, draw, establish, found, give, institute, launch, lay down, make, plant, prove, set, set up, shew, show.
47 bushel, cook, define, deposit, desex, desexualise, desexualize, determine, doctor, fasten, fix, fixate, furbish up, gear up, get, limit, make, mend, pay back, pay off, posit, prepare, ready, repair, restore, secure, set, set up, situate, specify, sterilise, sterilize, touch on, unsex.
49 cease, close, conclude, determine, end, finish, reason, reason out, resolve, set, shut, stop, terminate.
50 civilise, civilize, constitute, cook up, create, cultivate, determine, do, educate, fabricate, forge, form, influence, invent, make, make up, manufacture, mold, mould, regulate, school, shape, train, work.
51 clarify, clear up, define, delimit, delimitate, delineate, determine, elucidate, fix, limit, nail down, narrow, narrow down, particularise, particularize, peg down, pin down, set, specialise, specialize, specify.
52 clear, conciliate, determine, liquidate, make up, patch up, pay off, reconcile, redeem, settle, solve, square off, square up.
53 conclude, decide, define, determine, fix, influence, limit, make up one's mind, mold, purpose, regulate, resolve, set, shape, specify.
55 condition, determine, govern, influence, mold, order, qualify, regularise, regularize, regulate, rule, shape, specify, stipulate.
- Lexicographical index
- :
- determinante
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- determinar
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- detestable