Translation Japanese English: 飲込む
Dictionary: main
1 absorb, apprehend, belt down, bolt down, bury, catch, choke back, choke down, choke off, compass, comprehend, dig, down, draw, drink down, eat up, empathise, empathize, get, get down, get the picture, grasp, grok, imbibe, immerse, kill, pop, pour down, savvy, soak up, sop up, suck, suck up, swallow, swallow up, sympathise, sympathize, take in, take up, toss off, understand.
3 accept, bury, eat up, get down, immerse, live with, swallow, swallow up, take back, unsay, withdraw.
4 accredit, acknowledge, admit, agnise, agnize, credit, discern, distinguish, know, make out, pick out, realise, realize, recognise, recognize, reconnoiter, reconnoitre, scout, spot, tell apart.
5 accredit, acknowledge, agnise, agnize, discern, distinguish, greet, know, make out, pick out, realise, realize, recognise, recognize, spot, tell apart.
7 acquire, aim, amaze, arrest, arrive, baffle, beat, become, beget, begin, bewilder, bring, bring forth, bugger off, buzz off, capture, catch, cause, come, commence, contract, convey, develop, draw, drive, dumbfound, engender, experience, father, fetch, find, fix, flummox, fuck off, generate, get, get down, get under one's skin, go, gravel, grow, have, incur, induce, let, make, mother, mystify, nonplus, obtain, pay back, pay off, perplex, pose, produce, puzzle, receive, scram, set about, set out, sire, start, start out, stick, stimulate, stupefy, suffer, sustain, take, vex.
8 actualise, actualize, agnise, agnize, bring in, clear, earn, gain, make, pull in, realise, realize, recognise, recognize, see, substantiate, take in, understand.
9 agnise, agnize, apprehend, catch on, cognise, cognize, compass, comprehend, cotton on, dig, discover, empathise, empathize, experience, find out, get a line, get it, get onto, get the picture, get wind, get wise, get word, grasp, grok, hear, interpret, know, latch on, learn, live, pick up, read, realise, realize, recognise, recognize, savvy, see, sympathise, sympathize, translate, tumble, twig, understand.
10 agnise, agnize, apprehend, compass, comprehend, dig, discover, empathise, empathize, experience, feel, find, find out, get a line, get the picture, get wind, get word, grasp, grok, hear, interpret, know, learn, live, perceive, pick up, read, realise, realize, recognise, recognize, savvy, see, sympathise, sympathize, translate, understand.
11 agnise, agnize, belt down, bolt down, bury, catch, choke back, choke down, choke off, down, drink down, eat up, get, get down, immerse, kill, pop, pour down, realise, realize, recognise, recognize, swallow, swallow up, toss off.
12 agnise, agnize, bury, eat up, engulf, get down, immerse, realise, realize, recognise, recognize, suck, swallow, swallow up.
13 agnise, agnize, construe, discover, empathise, empathize, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, hear, interpret, learn, pick up, read, realise, realize, recognise, recognize, see, sympathise, sympathize, translate, understand.
14 agnise, agnize, detect, discover, empathise, empathize, feel, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, hear, infer, learn, notice, observe, pick up, prove, realise, realize, recognise, recognize, see, sympathise, sympathize, turn out, turn up, understand.
15 appeal, apprehend, arrest, attract, becharm, beguile, bewitch, captivate, capture, catch, charm, collar, comprehend, cop, enamor, enamour, enchant, ensnare, entrance, entrap, fascinate, get, intrigue, nab, nail, perceive, pick up, seize, snare, trammel, trance, trap.
16 appeal, apprehend, attract, becharm, beguile, bewitch, captivate, capture, catch, charm, compass, comprehend, dig, enamor, enamour, enchant, entrance, fascinate, get, get the picture, grasp, grok, intrigue, pick up, savvy, trance.
17 apprehend, arrest, capture, catch, collar, comprehend, cop, ensnare, entrap, fascinate, get, hold, intrigue, nab, nail, perceive, pick up, snare, trammel, trap.
18 apprehend, becharm, beguile, bewitch, captivate, capture, catch, charm, clasp, clutch, compass, comprehend, dig, earn, enamor, enamour, enchant, entrance, fascinate, garner, get, get the picture, grab, grasp, grip, grok, hold, hold on, prehend, savvy, seize, take hold, take hold of, trance.
19 apprehend, catch, compass, comprehend, dig, empathise, empathize, get, get the hang, get the picture, grasp, grok, master, savvy, sympathise, sympathize, understand.
20 apprehend, catch, compass, comprehend, dig, get, get the picture, grab, grasp, grok, pick up, savvy, snap, snatch, snatch up, take hold of.
21 arrest, becharm, beguile, bewitch, captivate, capture, catch, catch up with, charm, enamor, enamour, enchant, entrance, fascinate, get, grab, hitch, overhear, overtake, pick up, see, take hold of, take in, trance, trip up, view, watch.
23 begin, bring down, cast down, commence, deject, demoralise, demoralize, depress, dismay, dismount, dispirit, get, get down, get off, let down, light, lower, put down, set about, set down, set out, start, start out, swallow, take down, unhorse, write down.
24 belt down, bolt down, bug out, bulge, bulge out, come out, crop up, down, drink down, kill, pop, pop out, pop up, pour down, protrude, start, toss off.
25 belt down, bolt down, consume, cut down, devour, down, drink down, fine-tune, go through, kill, knock down, land, polish, pop, pour down, pull down, push down, refine, shoot down, toss off.
26 belt down, bolt down, dash off, down, drink down, fling off, kill, knock off, pop, pour down, scratch off, toss off.
27 belt down, bolt down, defeat, down, drink down, kill, obliterate, pop, pour down, shoot down, stamp out, toss off, vote down, vote out, wipe out.
29 belt down, bolt down, down, drink down, garbage down, gobble up, kill, pop, pour down, shovel in, toss off.
31 booze, choke back, choke down, choke off, drink, fuddle, imbibe, overmaster, overpower, overwhelm, tope.
32 bury, consume, deplete, eat, eat up, exhaust, finish, immerse, polish off, run through, swallow, swallow up, use up, wipe out.