Translation Japanese English: 肝要
Dictionary: main
2 acute, critical, dangerous, decisive, grave, grievous, life-threatening, serious, severe, terrible, wicked.
4 all important, all-important, cardinal, central, critical, crucial, essential, fundamental, imperative, indispensable, key, momentous, of the essence, pivotal, polar, primal, substantive, vital.
5 all important, all-important, compulsory, critical, crucial, essential, indispensable, mandatory, necessary, needed, needful, of the essence, required, requisite, vital.
6 all important, all-important, compulsory, crucial, essential, imperative, indispensable, mandatory, necessary, needed, needful, of the essence, required, requisite.
8 arduous, backbreaking, bad, big, critical, decisive, dreadful, formidable, grueling, gruelling, hard, heavy, knockout, laborious, operose, punishing, rocky, rough, severe, terrible, toilsome, wicked.
9 arrogant, authoritative, chesty, considerable, crucial, important, major, of import, self-important, significant.
10 authoritative, big, considerable, crucial, goodish, goodly, healthy, hefty, important, large, major, of import, prominent, respectable, significant, sizable, sizeable, tidy.
11 authoritative, cardinal, central, essential, foremost, frontmost, fundamental, important, key, leading, preeminent, primal, significant.
12 basal, base, cardinal, central, critical, decisive, elemental, fundamental, imperative, key, pivotal, polar, primal, primary, rudimentary, underlying, vital.
13 basal, basic, cardinal, central, elemental, elementary, essential, fundamental, introductory, key, pivotal, polar, primal, primary, rudimentary, standard, stock, underlying.
14 basal, cardinal, central, chief, critical, fundamental, imperative, key, main, master, pivotal, polar, primal, primary, principal, vital.
16 basic, cardinal, central, essential, fundamental, inner, internal, intimate, key, primal, profound.
17 basic, cardinal, central, essential, fundamental, key, primal, profound, rudimentary, underlying.
18 beloved, cherished, crucial, darling, dear, important, of import, precious, significant, treasured, valued, wanted.
19 big, cherished, critical, crucial, decisive, important, large, memorable, momentous, of import, precious, significant, treasured, valued, wanted.
20 big, critical, crucial, essential, important, large, life-sustaining, material, meaningful, of import, prominent, significant, vital.
21 cardinal, central, critical, elemental, elementary, fundamental, key, pivotal, polar, primal, primary, simple, uncomplicated, unproblematic, vital.
22 cardinal, central, essential, fundamental, important, independent, key, large, main, major, of import, primal, proto, significant, staple.