Translation Japanese English: 目
Dictionary: main
2 Base, bandstand, outdoor stage, pedestal, point of view, rack, sales booth, stall, stand, standpoint, standstill, tie-up, viewpoint.
4 DoT, degree, dit, full point, full stop, ghost, item, level, period, point, stage, stitch, stop, touch, trace.
6 Holy Order, Lodge, Order, club, decree, edict, fiat, gild, guild, monastic order, order of magnitude, ordering, orderliness, ordination, parliamentary law, parliamentary procedure, purchase order, rescript, rules of order, social club, society.
7 Light, eyes, perspective, point of view, position, posture, stance, stand, standpoint, view, viewpoint.
8 Light, perception, perspective, point of view, position, posture, stance, stand, standpoint, view, viewpoint.
9 Mark, category, class, course, division, family, form, grade, level, rank, score, social class, socio-economic class, stratum, tier.
11 Order, Word, arrangement, array, bid, bidding, command, dictation, instruction, judicial writ, ordering, ordination, organisation, organization, program line, statement, system, warrant, writ.
13 Order, adjustment, arrangement, arranging, orderliness, placement, readjustment, registration, transcription.
14 Order, administration, arrangement, authorities, brass, establishment, governance, governing body, government, organisation, organization, regime, system.
16 Order, authorisation, authorization, behest, bid, bidding, charge, command, commission, decree, dictate, dictation, direction, directive, edict, fiat, injunction, instruction, mandate, program line, rescript, statement.
18 Order, category, class, eye, family, oculus, optic, point of view, stand, standpoint, stitch, title, viewpoint.
25 Post, berth, billet, grade, hangout, haunt, junk shop, level, office, perspective, place, point of view, position, posture, repair, resort, shoes, side, situation, spot, stamping ground, stance, stand, standpoint, station, tier, view, viewpoint.
26 Sept, category, clan, class, family, family line, family unit, folk, home, house, household, kin, kin group, kindred, kinfolk, kinsfolk, kinship group, menage, phratry, tribe.
27 Sept, category, class, crime syndicate, family, family line, family unit, fellowship, folk, home, house, household, kin, kinfolk, kinsfolk, kinsperson, menage, mob, phratry, syndicate.
28 Stone, apple of discord, bone of contention, category, class, come, cum, ejaculate, endocarp, family, form, kernel, kind, material, pit, seed, semen, seminal fluid, sort, species, variety.
29 aim, aspect, design, intent, intention, opinion, panorama, persuasion, point of view, prospect, purpose, scene, sentiment, sight, stand, standpoint, survey, thought, view, viewpoint, vision, vista, visual modality, visual sense.
30 appearance, opinion, perspective, persuasion, point of view, position, scene, sentiment, sight, stand, standpoint, thought, view, viewpoint, vision, visual modality, visual sense.
32 arm, branch, category, class, department, division, family, field, field of operation, line of business, part, partition, partitioning, section, sectionalisation, sectionalization, sector, segmentation, subdivision, variance.
33 arrangement, assortment, categorisation, categorization, category, class, classification, compartmentalisation, compartmentalization, family, grouping, placement, sorting.
34 aspect, eye, panorama, prospect, scene, sight, view, vision, vista, visual modality, visual sensation, visual sense.
35 bailiwick, category, class, detail, discipline, family, field, field of study, item, point, study, subject, subject area, subject field.
36 brand, category, class, description, family, form, genus, kind, make, manner, sort, species, type, variety.
37 caption, contents, head, header, heading, headline, index, newspaper headline, subtitle, table of contents, title.
38 category, chattel, class, department, division, family, movable, part, personal chattel, section.
39 category, class, classroom, course, course of instruction, course of study, family, form, grade, ilk, kind, lecture, lecturing, lesson, like, schoolroom, social class, socio-economic class, sort, stratum, variety.
40 category, class, course, course of instruction, course of study, division, family, form, grade, social class, socio-economic class, stratum, year.
42 category, class, family, grade, level, rank, social class, social rank, social station, social status, socio-economic class, stratum, tier.
43 championship, claim, deed, deed of conveyance, form of address, rubric, statute title, title, title of respect.
44 championship, effectiveness, form of address, head, header, heading, potency, strength, title, title of respect.
48 eye, oculus, optic, point of view, sight, stand, standpoint, viewpoint, vision, visual modality, visual sense.