Translation Japanese English: 目当て
Dictionary: main
1 CORE, burden, drift, effect, essence, function, gist, intent, meaning, point, purport, purpose, role, spirit, substance, use.
2 CORE, burden, effect, essence, function, gist, idea, intent, meaning, mind, point, purport, purpose, role, spirit, substance, use.
3 Death, aim, conclusion, design, destruction, end, ending, final stage, goal, intent, intention, last, purpose, terminal, termination.
4 Death, close, closing, conclusion, destruction, end, ending, final stage, goal, last, oddment, remainder, remnant, terminal.
5 HUM, action, activity, busyness, function, mathematical operation, mathematical process, natural action, natural process, operation, purpose, role, use.
11 affair, function, map, mapping, mathematical function, occasion, office, part, procedure, purpose, role, routine, single-valued function, social function, social occasion, subprogram, subroutine, use.
12 aim, aspect, design, intent, intention, opinion, panorama, persuasion, point of view, prospect, purpose, scene, sentiment, sight, stand, standpoint, survey, thought, view, viewpoint, vision, vista, visual modality, visual sense.
14 aim, blueprint, conception, design, designing, excogitation, figure, innovation, intent, intention, invention, pattern, plan, purpose.
15 aim, butt, design, end, goal, intent, intention, landmark, object, objective, purpose, target, target area.
17 aim, close, conclusion, design, end, finale, finis, finish, finish line, finishing line, goal, intent, intention, last, object, objective, purpose, stopping point, target.
19 aim, consequence, design, effect, end, event, goal, impression, intent, intention, issue, outcome, purpose, result, upshot.
21 aim, design, end, function, goal, intent, intention, interest, object, objective, purpose, role, sake, target, use.
22 aim, design, fair game, function, intent, intention, object, objective, point, prey, purpose, quarry, role, target, target area, use.
30 capacitance, capacity, electrical capacity, facility, function, mental ability, purpose, role, use.
33 consumption, economic consumption, employment, enjoyment, exercise, function, habit, manipulation, purpose, role, usage, usance, use, use of goods and services, utilisation, utilization.