Translation Japanese English: 決議
Dictionary: main
2 adjudicate, conclude, decide, determine, figure out, lick, purpose, puzzle out, resolve, set, settle, solve, work, work out.
3 cease, close, conclude, determine, end, finish, reason, reason out, resolve, set, shut, stop, terminate.
2 Order, decree, discernment, edict, fiat, judgement, judgment, judicial decision, legal opinion, opinion, perspicacity, rescript, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment.
3 adjudication, conclusion, decision, determination, discernment, judgement, judgment, legal opinion, opinion, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment.
4 adjudication, judgement, judgment, judicial decision, legal opinion, mind, opinion, perspicacity, sound judgement, sound judgment.
5 answer, closure, conclusion, decision, declaration, determination, firmness, firmness of purpose, resoluteness, resolution, resolve, result, settlement, solution, solvent, solving.
6 answer, closure, declaration, firmness, firmness of purpose, resoluteness, resolution, resolve, resolving, resolving power, result, settlement, solution, solvent, solving.
7 appraisal, assessment, estimate, estimation, evaluation, judgement, judgment, legal opinion, opinion, rating, valuation.
8 arbitrament, arbitration, arbitrement, award, awarding, judgement, judgment, legal opinion, opinion.
9 assessment, award, awarding, conclusion, decision, determination, discernment, finding, judgement, judgment, legal opinion, mind, opinion, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment.
10 assessment, discernment, judgement, judging, judgment, judicial decision, legal opinion, mind, opinion, perspicacity, sagaciousness, sagacity, sound judgement, sound judgment.
12 belief, feeling, impression, judgement, judgment, legal opinion, notion, opinion, persuasion, popular opinion, public opinion, ruling, sentiment, thought, view, vox populi.