Translation Japanese English: 枠組み
Dictionary: main
1 Base, basic principle, basics, basis, bedrock, cornerstone, evidence, fabric, foot, foundation, framework, fundament, fundamental principle, fundamentals, grounds, groundwork, pedestal, principle, rationale, stand, substructure, understructure.
3 CORE, Centre, burden, center, effect, essence, framing, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, kernel, marrow, meat, nitty-gritty, nub, pith, substance, sum.
4 Constitution, arrangement, building, composing, composition, configuration, constellation, construction, formation, framing, make-up, makeup, mental synthesis, organisation, organization, physical composition, shaping, structure, system.
5 MAT, ambit, background, case, casing, compass, framework, matting, model, orbit, picture frame, range, reach, scope, setting, theoretical account.
6 SHAPE, Soma, anatomy, bod, build, chassis, figure, flesh, form, frame, frame of reference, framing, human body, inning, material body, physical body, physique, skeletal frame, skeletal system, skeleton, systema skeletale, underframe.
7 Sitter, artist's model, blueprint, design, example, exemplar, fashion model, framework, good example, manakin, manikin, mannequin, mannikin, model, pattern, poser, simulation, theoretical account.
8 abstract, fabric, frame, framework, framing, outline, precis, skeletal system, skeleton, synopsis, systema skeletale.
9 abstract, fabric, frame, framework, outline, precis, skeletal frame, skeletal system, skeleton, synopsis, systema skeletale, underframe.
11 apron, forestage, frame, picture frame, proscenium, proscenium wall, skeletal frame, skeleton, underframe.
12 blueprint, design, form, framework, model, pattern, poser, sample, simulation, theoretical account.
16 example, exemplar, fashion model, framework, good example, manakin, manikin, mannequin, mannikin, model, modeling, modelling, poser, role model, simulation, theoretical account.
17 example, exemplar, fashion model, framework, good example, manakin, manikin, mannequin, mannikin, model, pattern, poser, role model, simulation, theoretical account.
18 fabric, frame, framework, framing, model, skeletal frame, skeleton, theoretical account, underframe.