Translation Japanese English: 口説き落とす
Dictionary: main
1 abase, beat, beat out, bump off, butcher, chagrin, convert, convince, crush, debilitate, dig up, dishearten, dispatch, drain, enfeeble, excavate, hit, humble, humiliate, mortify, murder, off, polish off, put off, remove, shell, slaughter, slay, trounce, turn up, vanquish, win over.
2 acquit, bear, behave, carry, channel, comport, conduct, contain, convey, deport, dribble, expect, express, extend, gestate, have a bun in the oven, hold, impart, pack, persuade, post, run, stock, stockpile, sway, take, transmit, transport.
3 actuate, alter, carry, change, control, determine, dislodge, displace, execute, incite, influence, modify, mold, motivate, move, operate, persuade, prompt, propel, regulate, reposition, run, shape, shift, sway, swing, swing over.
6 beat, beat out, convert, convince, crush, defeat, excel, get over, get the better of, master, outclass, outpoint, outscore, overcome, shell, stand out, subdue, surmount, surpass, trounce, vanquish, win over.