Translation Japanese English: 勉める
Dictionary: main
1 adjudicate, assay, attempt, essay, examine, hear, judge, prove, render, sample, seek, strain, stress, taste, test, try, try on, try out.
2 aim, assay, attempt, be after, contemplate, contrive, design, designate, destine, essay, intend, mean, plan, plot, project, propose, purport, purpose, seek, set about, specify, think, try, undertake.
3 ascertain, assay, assume, attempt, attend, catch, check, determine, essay, find, find out, follow, get a load, guard, have a look, keep an eye on, learn, look, look on, observe, presume, rate, search, see, seek, take a look, take care, take for granted, take in, try, try on, value, view, ward, watch, watch over, witness.
4 assay, attempt, be after, befool, connive, contemplate, contrive, design, devise, ensnare, entrap, essay, fool, frame, get up, gull, intrigue, machinate, organise, organize, plan, prepare, project, scheme, seek, set about, set up, try, undertake.
5 assay, attempt, challenge, compete, contend, essay, hold out, resist, seek, stand firm, try, vie, withstand.
6 assay, attempt, dally, diddle, drive, endeavor, endeavour, essay, fiddle, flirt, labor, labour, play, push, seek, serve, strive, toy, try, tug.