Translation Japanese English: 優雅
Dictionary: main
1 Grace, Thanksgiving, blessing, free grace, good will, goodwill, grace of God, gracility, saving grace, seemliness, state of grace.
2 Grace, air, appearance, atmosphere, aura, color, colour, drift, elegance, free grace, gloss, grace of God, purification, purport, refinement, refining, semblance, show.
3 Grace, benediction, benefit, blessing, boon, free grace, good will, goodwill, grace of God, welfare.
4 Grace, dapperness, free grace, gag, grace of God, gracefulness, gracility, jape, jauntiness, jest, joke, laugh, nattiness, rakishness.
6 Polish, civilisation, civilization, cultivation, culture, elaboration, finish, nicety, nuance, purification, refinement, refining, shade, subtlety.
7 air, appearance, atmosphere, aura, color, colour, elegance, flavor, flavour, gloss, semblance, show, taste, tasting.
9 breeding, chic, chichi, chicness, elegance, genteelness, gentility, last word, modishness, smartness, stylishness, swank.
1 affable, affectionate, amiable, cordial, elegant, fond, genial, gentle, kind, lovesome, soft, tender, thoughtful, warm.
5 chic, courtly, dapper, dashing, elegant, fine, formal, graceful, jaunty, ladylike, natty, neat, raffish, rakish, refined, smart, snappy, spiffy, spruce, stately, tasteful, voguish.