翻訳 日本語 英語: 仕合わせ
辞書: main
1 Beatitude, beatification, blessedness, bliss, blissfulness, cloud nine, felicity, happiness, seventh heaven, walking on air.
2 Bond, Lot, account, alliance, chronicle, circumstances, connectedness, connection, connexion, destiny, fate, fortune, history, joining, link, luck, portion, relation, story.
4 Grace, benediction, benefit, blessing, boon, free grace, good will, goodwill, grace of God, welfare.
5 Lot, Mass, Set, band, batch, bunch, caboodle, circle, circumstances, deal, destiny, draw, fate, flock, fortune, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, luck, mess, mickle, mint, mountain, muckle, passel, peck, pile, plenty, portion, pot, quite a little, raft, sight, slew, spate, stack, tidy sum, wad.
6 Lot, address, circumstances, destination, destiny, fate, finish, fortune, goal, luck, name and address, portion.
7 Lot, bankroll, chance, circumstances, destiny, estate, fate, fortune, hazard, luck, portion, roll, wealth.
8 Lot, benediction, blessing, circumstances, destiny, fate, felicity, fortune, good fortune, good luck, happiness, luck, luckiness, portion.
10 Lot, chance, circumstances, coincidence, destiny, fate, fortune, happenstance, hazard, luck, portion.
12 Lot, circumstances, component, component part, constituent, destiny, dower, dowery, dowry, fate, fortune, helping, luck, parcel, part, percentage, portion, serving, share.
14 Lot, circumstances, destiny, fate, foreordination, fortune, luck, portion, predestination, predetermination, preordination.
18 Lot, circumstances, destiny, fate, fortune, luck, place, portion, position, shoes, situation, state of affairs.
24 bonanza, boom, break, bunce, godsend, gold rush, good fortune, good luck, gravy, happy chance, luckiness, manna from heaven, windfall.
2 aureate, favorable, favourable, fortunate, gilded, gilt, gold, golden, halcyon, lucky, prosperous.
7 bright, brightly-colored, brightly-coloured, brilliant, bubbling, cheerful, effervescent, frothy, happy, hopeful, light, light-colored, pollyannaish, promising, pyrotechnic, scintillating, sparkly, square, straight, straightforward, upbeat, vivid.
8 delicious, delightful, enjoyable, entertaining, festal, festive, gay, good, gratifying, happy, merry, pleasant, pleasurable.