Translation Japanese English: やり通す
Dictionary: main
1 accomplish, achieve, action, attain, carry out, carry through, complete, conform to, drop, execute, fill, fill in, fill out, fill up, fit, fulfil, fulfill, leave out, live up to, make full, make out, meet, miss, neglect, omit, overleap, overlook, pretermit, reach, satisfy.
2 accomplish, achieve, action, attain, carry out, carry through, do, execute, follow out, follow through, follow up, fulfil, fulfill, go through, implement, perform, put through, reach.
3 accomplish, action, apply, carry on, carry out, carry through, conduct, deal, do, execute, fulfil, fulfill, give, make, perform, put on, take, turn in.
4 accomplish, action, apply, carry out, carry through, complete, discharge, dispatch, do, execute, exercise, fulfil, fulfill, perform, practice, practise, use.
5 accomplish, action, apply, carry out, carry through, do, execute, exercise, fulfil, fulfill, perform, practice, practise, run, use.
6 accomplish, action, apply, carry out, carry through, do, execute, fulfil, fulfill, make, perform, practice, put on, take, turn in, use.
7 accomplish, action, arrange, carry out, carry through, create, effect, execute, follow out, follow through, follow up, fulfil, fulfill, go through, implement, make, perform, put through, realise, realize, stage.
8 accomplish, action, be, become, carry out, carry through, cost, dally, diddle, do, execute, fiddle, flirt, fulfil, fulfill, function, get, grow, make, maturate, mature, perform, play, put, put on, serve, take, toy, try, try on, turn, turn in.
9 accomplish, action, be, carry out, carry through, compose, comprise, constitute, construct, do, effect, execute, fulfil, fulfill, get, make, make up, perform, put on, represent, take, turn in.
10 accomplish, action, bring off, carry off, carry out, carry through, complete, discharge, dispatch, execute, follow out, follow through, follow up, fulfil, fulfill, go through, implement, manage, negociate, pull off, put through.
11 accomplish, action, bring off, carry off, carry out, carry through, do, execute, follow out, follow through, follow up, fulfil, fulfill, go through, implement, manage, negociate, perform, pull off, put through.
12 accomplish, action, bring through, carry out, carry through, execute, fulfil, fulfill, pull through, save.
13 accomplish, action, brush up, carry out, carry through, complete, discharge, dispatch, execute, fill in, fill out, finish, fulfil, fulfill, make out, nail, polish, polish up, round, round off, round out.
14 accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, cease, close, close down, close up, complete, conclude, discontinue, eat up, end, execute, finish, fold, fulfil, fulfill, give up, lay off, polish off, quit, shut down, stop, terminate.
15 accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, clear up, complete, discharge, dispatch, do, eat up, execute, finish, finish off, finish up, follow out, follow through, follow up, fulfil, fulfill, get through, go through, implement, mop up, perform, polish off, put on, put through, turn in, wrap up.
16 accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, complete, discharge, dispatch, execute, follow out, follow through, follow up, fulfil, fulfill, go through, implement, make good, play, put on, put through, turn in.
17 accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, conform to, cope with, execute, fill, fit, fulfil, fulfill, gratify, live up to, match, meet, satisfy.
18 accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, conform to, cope with, execute, fill, fit, fulfil, fulfill, match, meet, react, respond, satisfy.
19 accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, dispose of, execute, follow out, follow through, follow up, fulfil, fulfill, go through, implement, put through.
20 accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, do, engage, execute, follow out, follow through, follow up, fulfil, fulfill, go through, implement, perform, put through, wage.
21 accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, do, execute, follow out, follow through, follow up, fulfil, fulfill, go through, implement, kill, perform, put through.
22 accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, do, execute, follow out, follow through, follow up, fulfil, fulfill, go through, implement, perform, play, put through, put to death, spiel.
23 accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, do, execute, fulfil, fulfill, perform, put to death, run.
25 acquit, assoil, clear, complete, discharge, dispatch, drop, drop off, eject, empty, exculpate, exhaust, exonerate, expel, fire, free, go off, muster out, put down, release, set down, unload.
27 apply, carry out, enforce, follow out, follow through, follow up, go through, implement, put through.
28 blow, carry out, follow out, follow through, follow up, go through, implement, put through, squander, waste.
29 bump off, complete, despatch, discharge, dispatch, hit, murder, off, polish off, remove, send off, slay.
30 carry out, consume, devour, down, experience, follow out, follow through, follow up, go across, go through, implement, pass, put through, run through, see, work through.