Translation Spanish English: tasar
Dictionary: main
1 accrue, accumulate, amass, approximate, calculate, conglomerate, count on, cumulate, estimate, figure, forecast, gather, gauge, guess, imagine, judge, opine, pile up, reckon, suppose, think.
2 adjudge, appreciate, approximate, calculate, consider, count on, declare, esteem, estimate, figure, forecast, gauge, guess, hold, judge, look on, look upon, prise, prize, reckon, regard as, repute, respect, study, take to be, think of, treasure, value.
4 adjudicate, approximate, estimate, evaluate, gauge, guess, judge, label, pass judgment, pronounce, try.
5 aim, come in, come out, commit, direct, grade, identify, invest, lay, localise, localize, locate, order, place, point, pose, position, post, put, range, rank, rate, send, set, site, station, target.
6 analyse, analyze, appraise, assess, canvas, canvass, evaluate, examine, judge, measure, pass judgment, study, valuate, value.
7 appraise, appreciate, assess, care for, cherish, esteem, evaluate, hold dear, measure, prise, prize, rate, respect, tax, titrate, treasure, valuate, value.
8 appraise, approximate, assess, estimate, evaluate, gauge, grade, guess, judge, measure, order, place, range, rank, rate, tax, valuate, value.
10 appraise, assess, assume, befool, betray, deceive, devise, evaluate, fool, gauge, get up, gull, lead astray, machinate, measure, measure out, mensurate, organise, organize, prepare, presume, quantify, take for granted, time, valuate, value.
11 appraise, assess, calculate, count on, estimate, evaluate, figure, forecast, measure, reckon, step, step on, tread, tread on, valuate, value.
12 appraise, assess, esteem, evaluate, grade, judge, measure, order, pass judgment, place, prise, prize, range, rank, rate, respect, scrutinise, scrutinize, size up, take stock, tax, valuate, value.
13 appraise, assess, evaluate, grade, map, measure, order, place, range, rank, rate, valuate, value.
17 approximate, assess, calculate, count on, estimate, figure, forecast, gauge, guess, judge, reckon, value.
18 approximate, assume, calculate, count on, estimate, figure, forecast, gauge, guess, infer, judge, presume, reckon, take for granted.
20 approximate, calculate, cipher, compute, count on, cypher, estimate, figure, forecast, gauge, guess, judge, reckon, work out.
21 approximate, calculate, consider, count on, deem, estimate, figure, forecast, gauge, guess, hold, judge, reckon, regard, see, take for, view, view as.
23 approximate, estimate, gauge, guess, hazard, imagine, infer, judge, opine, pretend, reckon, suppose, think, venture.
24 arrange, consecrate, dictate, enjoin, govern, grade, ordain, order, ordinate, place, prescribe, put, range, rank, rate, regularise, regularize, regulate, say, set up, tell.
25 array, browse, cast, crop, drift, grade, graze, lay out, order, pasture, place, ramble, range, rank, rate, roam, roll, rove, run, set out, straddle, stray, swan, tramp, vagabond, wander.
26 ascertain, assay, assume, attempt, attend, catch, check, determine, essay, find, find out, follow, get a load, guard, have a look, keep an eye on, learn, look, look on, observe, presume, rate, search, see, seek, take a look, take care, take for granted, take in, try, try on, value, view, ward, watch, watch over, witness.