Переклад англійською з іспанської: prever
Словник: main
1 accede, accept, acknowledge, acquiesce, admit, allow, allow in, assent, grant, include, intromit, let in, take, take into account, take on.
2 account, aim, bet, calculate, cipher, compute, count, count on, cypher, depend, direct, estimate, figure, forecast, look, reckon, work out.
3 accrue, accumulate, amass, approximate, calculate, conglomerate, count on, cumulate, estimate, figure, forecast, gather, gauge, guess, imagine, judge, opine, pile up, reckon, suppose, think.
4 address, anticipate, bid, call, call in, call off, call up, cry, forebode, foretell, holler, hollo, name, phone, predict, prognosticate, promise, ring, scream, send for, shout, shout out, squall, telephone, visit, yell.
5 adjudge, appreciate, approximate, calculate, consider, count on, declare, esteem, estimate, figure, forecast, gauge, guess, hold, judge, look on, look upon, prise, prize, reckon, regard as, repute, respect, study, take to be, think of, treasure, value.
6 admit, allow, allow for, appropriate, countenance, earmark, give up, grant, leave, let, permit, provide, reserve, set aside, take into account, tolerate.
7 admit, allow, comprise, contain, include, incorporate, insert, let in, slip in, sneak in, stick in, take into account.
9 allow, answer, chew over, consider, contemplate, deal, deem, excogitate, hold, look at, meditate, mull, mull over, muse, ponder, reckon, reflect, regard, ruminate, see, speculate, take, take for, take into account, think over, view, view as.
10 allow, anticipate, bank, calculate, count on, estimate, expect, figure, forecast, foreknow, foresee, look for, look to, previse, reckon, rely, swear, take into account, trust.
11 allow, anticipate, calculate, call, count on, estimate, expect, figure, forebode, forecast, foretell, predict, prognosticate, promise, reckon, take into account.
13 announce, annunciate, anticipate, augur, auspicate, betoken, bode, call, forebode, forecast, foreshadow, foretell, harbinger, herald, omen, portend, predict, prefigure, presage, prognosticate, promise.
14 announce, annunciate, anticipate, call, forebode, foretell, harbinger, herald, preach, predict, prognosticate, promise, prophesy.
15 anticipate, ask, await, bear, carry, expect, gestate, have a bun in the oven, look, require, wait.
17 anticipate, bank, calculate, count on, estimate, expect, figure, forecast, foreknow, foresee, hope, look for, look to, previse, reckon, rely, swear, trust.
18 anticipate, calculate, call, conjecture, count on, estimate, figure, forebode, forecast, foreknow, foresee, foretell, guess, hypothecate, hypothesise, hypothesize, infer, predict, previse, prognosticate, promise, reckon, speculate, suppose, theorise, theorize.
19 anticipate, calculate, call, count on, envision, estimate, figure, forebode, forecast, foreknow, foresee, foretell, predict, previse, prognosticate, promise, reckon.
20 anticipate, call, counter, expect, forebode, foreknow, foresee, forestall, foretell, look for, look to, predict, previse, prognosticate, promise.
21 anticipate, call, envision, expect, forebode, foreknow, foresee, foretell, predict, previse, prognosticate, promise.
22 anticipate, call, envision, forebode, foreknow, foresee, foretell, predict, previse, prognosticate, promise, see through.
23 appraise, assess, calculate, count on, estimate, evaluate, figure, forecast, measure, reckon, step, step on, tread, tread on, valuate, value.
24 approximate, assess, calculate, count on, estimate, figure, forecast, gauge, guess, judge, reckon, value.
25 approximate, assume, calculate, count on, estimate, figure, forecast, gauge, guess, infer, judge, presume, reckon, take for granted.
26 approximate, calculate, cipher, compute, count on, cypher, estimate, figure, forecast, gauge, guess, judge, reckon, work out.
27 approximate, calculate, consider, count on, deem, estimate, figure, forecast, gauge, guess, hold, judge, reckon, regard, see, take for, view, view as.
28 assume, calculate, conjecture, count on, deduce, deduct, derive, estimate, figure, forecast, guess, hypothecate, hypothesise, hypothesize, infer, presume, reckon, speculate, suppose, take for granted, theorise, theorize.
29 augur, auspicate, betoken, bode, calculate, count on, estimate, figure, forecast, foreshadow, foretell, omen, portend, predict, prefigure, presage, prognosticate, reckon.
30 bet, calculate, cipher, compute, consider, count, count on, cypher, depend, estimate, figure, forecast, guess, imagine, look, opine, reckon, regard, see, suppose, think, view, work out.