Translation Spanish English: juntar
Dictionary: main
1 absorb, adopt, assimilate, befool, bring in, catch, clear, cod, collect, consume, draw, dupe, earn, fool, gain, gather in, gull, have, imbibe, ingest, invite, make, overhear, pull in, put on, put one across, put one over, realise, realize, receive, see, slang, soak up, sop up, suck, suck in, suck up, take, take in, take up, view, watch.
2 accumulate, align, amass, arrange, collect, compile, consolidate, coordinate, fix up, hoard, ordinate, pile up, roll up.
3 accumulate, amass, assemble, call for, collect, compile, garner, gather, gather up, get together, hoard, pick up, pile up, pull in, pull together, roll up, take in.
4 accumulate, amass, assemble, centralise, centralize, concentrate, conglomerate, cumulate, gather, get together, pile up.
5 accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, compile, conjoin, connect, garner, gather, get together, hoard, join, link, link up, piece, pile up, pool, pull together, put together, roll up, set up, tack, tack together, take in, tie.
6 accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, compile, foregather, forgather, garner, gather, get together, hoard, meet, pile up, pull together, roll up.
7 accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, conglomerate, cumulate, foregather, forgather, gain, garner, gather, get together, meet, pile up, pucker, pull together, tuck.
8 accumulate, amass, bring together, collate, collect, compile, conjoin, garner, gather, hoard, join, muster, pile up, pull together, rejoin, reunite, roll up, round up, take in.
9 accumulate, amass, bundle, bundle up, collect, compile, furl, hoard, pile up, roll, roll up, wrap up.
10 accumulate, amass, cache, collect, compile, heap, hive away, hive up, hoard, lay away, lay in, pile, pile up, put in, roll up, salt away, squirrel away, stack, stack away, stash, stash away, store, take in.
11 accumulate, amass, catch, clear, collect, compile, farm, garner, gather, gather in, gather up, hoard, lift up, pick up, pile up, pull together, recapture, roll up, take in, take up, unclutter.
13 accumulate, amass, collect, compile, conglomerate, cumulate, gather, heap up, hoard, pile up, roll up, stack up.
14 accumulate, amass, collect, compile, conglomerate, cumulate, gather, hive away, hoard, lay in, pile up, put in, roll up, salt away, stack away, stash away, store.
16 accumulate, amass, collect, compile, hive away, hoard, lay aside, lay in, pile up, preserve, put in, roll up, salt away, save, save up, stack away, stash away, store.
17 add, add together, approach, collect, come near, come on, draw close, draw near, garner, gather, go up, mail, near, post, pull together, put aside, put away, send.
19 aggregate, amalgamate, blend, blend in, coalesce, combine, commingle, commix, compound, conflate, conjoin, connect, flux, fuse, immix, join, link, link up, meld, merge, mingle, mix, mix in, unify, unite.
20 alternate, append, assemble, baste, flip, flip-flop, hang on, interchange, piece, put together, set up, switch, tack, tack on, tack together, tag on, wear round.
21 arm, assemble, build up, fortify, gird, lay out, piece, pitch, put together, set, set up, tack, tack together.
22 arrange, assemble, clean up, gather, get together, neaten, set up, square away, straighten, straighten out, tidy, tidy up.
23 arrange, assemble, effect, effectuate, ensnare, entrap, erect, establish, fix, found, frame, gear up, instal, install, launch, lay out, order, piece, pitch, prepare, put, put in, put together, put up, raise, ready, rear, rig, set, set up, tack, tack together.
25 assemble, bestride, climb, climb on, climb up, cream, get on, go up, hop on, jump on, lade, laden, lay out, load, load up, mount, mount up, piece, put on, put together, ride, set, set up, tack, tack together.
26 assemble, build, construct, cross, crossbreed, form, hybridise, hybridize, interbreed, make, organise, organize, piece, put together, set up, tack, tack together, unify, unite.
28 assemble, collect, converge, foregather, forgather, gather, meet, pullulate, swarm, take in, teem.
29 assemble, foregather, forgather, gather, get together, meet, piece, put together, set up, tack, tack together.
34 associate, colligate, conjoin, connect, join, link, link up, plug in, plug into, relate, tie, tie in.
35 associate, colligate, connect, get in touch, intercommunicate, link, link up, plug in, plug into, relate, switch on, tie, tie in, touch base, turn on.
36 associate, colligate, connect, get in touch, join, link, link up, plug in, plug into, relate, tie, tie in, touch base, unite.
40 attach, combine, come up, compound, conjoin, connect, interlock, join, link, link up, merge, mesh, muster, muster up, rally, summon, tie, unify, unite, weld.
41 bang, be intimate, bed, bonk, conjoin, cross, do it, eff, fuck, get it on, get laid, have a go at it, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, have sex, hump, intersect, jazz, join, know, lie with, love, make love, make out, poke into, roll in the hay, screw, sleep together, sleep with.
42 bind, bring together, combine, compound, conjoin, connect, couple, couple on, couple up, join, link, link up, merge, tie, unify, unite.
45 bring together, conjoin, connect, couple, couple on, couple up, join, link, link up, match, mate, pair, tie, twin.
48 collect, discern, distinguish, make out, pick out, recognise, recognize, spot, take in, tell apart.
53 conjoin, connect, espouse, get hitched with, get married, hook up with, join, link, link up, marry, merge, unify, unite, wed.