Переклад англійською з іспанської: gracia
Словник: main
3 Grace, Thanksgiving, blessing, free grace, good will, goodwill, grace of God, gracility, saving grace, seemliness, state of grace.
4 Grace, affinity, air, air current, atmosphere, aura, breaking wind, current of air, fart, farting, flatus, gracefulness, gracility, line, melodic line, melodic phrase, melody, strain, tune, wind.
5 Grace, air, appearance, atmosphere, aura, color, colour, drift, elegance, free grace, gloss, grace of God, purification, purport, refinement, refining, semblance, show.
7 Grace, benediction, benefit, blessing, boon, free grace, good will, goodwill, grace of God, welfare.
9 Grace, civilisation, civilization, daintiness, dash, decency, delicacy, elan, fineness, flair, gracility, panache, refinement, style.
11 Grace, dapperness, free grace, gag, grace of God, gracefulness, gracility, jape, jauntiness, jest, joke, laugh, nattiness, rakishness.
13 Grace, dignity, gracility, grandeur, magnanimousness, nobility, nobleness, self-regard, self-respect, self-worth.
18 buffoonery, clowning, comedian, comic, fool, frivolity, gag, harlequinade, jape, japery, jest, jester, joke, laugh, motley fool, prank.
19 buncombe, bunk, bunkum, gag, guff, hogwash, hokum, jape, jest, joke, laugh, meaninglessness, nonsense, nonsensicality, rot.
20 caper, coquetry, dalliance, flirt, flirtation, flirting, frolic, fun, gag, gambol, jape, jest, joke, laugh, play, romp, sport, toying.
21 crack, finery, gag, humor, humour, jape, jest, joke, laugh, paronomasia, pun, punning, quip, sally, wisecrack, wit, witticism, wittiness, wordplay.
23 gag, humor, humorousness, humour, jape, jest, jocoseness, jocosity, jocularity, joke, laugh, merriness, wit, witticism, wittiness.