Переклад англійською з іспанської: emprender
Словник: main
1 accept, approach, attack, attempt, be, begin, catch, commence, consult, contract, cost, depend on, depend upon, devolve on, embark on, fall, flow, get, get down, go about, hang, hinge on, hinge upon, hitch, hop, put on, ride, see, set about, set out, start, start out, start up, take, turn on, undertake.
2 aim, assay, attempt, be after, contemplate, contrive, design, designate, destine, essay, intend, mean, plan, plot, project, propose, purport, purpose, seek, set about, specify, think, try, undertake.
3 approach, attempt, begin, bestir oneself, commence, embark on, get, get cracking, get down, get going, get moving, get rolling, get started, get weaving, go about, mount, set about, set out, start, start out, start up, undertake.
4 approach, attempt, begin, cater, commence, embark on, get, get down, get going, go, go about, initiate, originate, set about, set out, start, start out, start up, undertake.
5 approach, attempt, begin, cling to, clutch, commence, embark on, get, get down, ghost, go about, haunt, hold close, hold tight, obsess, set about, set out, start, start out, start up, undertake.
6 approach, attempt, begin, commence, embark on, engage, get, get down, get going, go, go about, instal, install, pick, put in, set, set about, set out, set up, start, start out, start up, undertake, wage.
7 approach, attempt, begin, commence, embark on, get, get down, get going, go, go about, initiate, open, open up, originate, pioneer, set about, set out, start, start out, start up, undertake.
8 approach, attempt, begin, commence, embark on, get, get down, go about, initiate, originate, set about, set out, start, start out, start up, take up, undertake.
9 approach, attempt, commence, embark, embark on, go about, launch, plunge, set about, start, start up, undertake, venture.
11 assay, attempt, be after, befool, connive, contemplate, contrive, design, devise, ensnare, entrap, essay, fool, frame, get up, gull, intrigue, machinate, organise, organize, plan, prepare, project, scheme, seek, set about, set up, try, undertake.
12 assay, attempt, essay, examine, prove, sample, seek, set about, taste, test, try, try on, try out, undertake.