Translation Spanish English: dominar
Dictionary: main
5 arrest, bear, carry, check, comprise, confine, conquer, contain, crucify, curb, delay, domesticate, domesticise, domesticize, hold, hold back, include, incorporate, inhibit, keep, keep back, mortify, reclaim, restrain, retard, stamp down, stop, subdue, subsume, suppress, tame, turn back.
6 arrest, block, blockade, bound, capture, catch, check, circumscribe, confine, constrain, contain, control, cumber, curb, dampen, dominate, embarrass, encumber, get, harness, hinder, hold, hold back, hold in, keep, keep back, keep in line, limit, manipulate, master, moderate, muffle, obstruct, reduce, rein, repress, restrain, restrict, rule, smother, stifle, stop, strangle, stymie, stymy, suppress, throttle, tighten, trammel, turn back.
7 ascertain, assure, check, command, contain, control, curb, ensure, hold, hold in, insure, keep in line, manipulate, master, moderate, operate, see, see to it, verify.
8 beat, beat out, convert, convince, crush, defeat, excel, get over, get the better of, master, outclass, outpoint, outscore, overcome, shell, stand out, subdue, surmount, surpass, trounce, vanquish, win over.
10 block, blockade, close, close up, conquer, curb, embarrass, forbid, foreclose, forestall, hinder, impede, inhibit, jam, keep, keep down, obstruct, obturate, occlude, plug, preclude, prevent, quash, reduce, repress, seal, seal off, secure, shut, stamp down, stop up, stymie, stymy, subdue, subjugate, suppress.
12 bounce back, come through, defeat, exceed, get over, get the better of, get through, get well, make it, master, outclass, outdo, outgo, outmatch, outperform, outplay, outstrip, overbear, overcome, pull round, pull through, subdue, surmount, surpass, survive.
13 bounce back, cover, cross, cut across, cut through, get across, get over, get well, master, overcome, pass over, subdue, surmount, track, traverse.
14 bound, check, confine, conquer, contain, control, curb, hold, hold back, hold in, inhibit, keep, keep back, limit, moderate, muffle, repress, restrain, restrict, smother, stamp down, stifle, strangle, subdue, suppress, throttle, trammel.
15 break, break in, check, command, condition, contain, control, curb, discipline, dominate, hold, hold back, hold in, keep, keep back, keep in line, manage, manipulate, master, moderate, monitor, operate, oversee, patrol, police, restrain, superintend, supervise, train, verify, will.
16 bunch, bunch up, bundle, clump, cluster, command, control, govern, keep in line, manipulate, master, rule.
18 chasten, conquer, crucify, curb, get over, inhibit, keep down, master, mortify, overcome, quash, reduce, repress, stamp down, subdue, subjugate, subordinate, suppress, surmount, tame.
19 chasten, cultivate, domesticate, domesticise, domesticize, moderate, naturalise, naturalize, reclaim, subdue, tame, tone down.
20 check, conquer, contain, control, curb, curtail, cut back, hold, hold in, inhibit, moderate, restrict, stamp down, subdue, suppress.
21 check, contain, control, curb, dominate, govern, hold, hold in, keep in line, manipulate, master, moderate, rule.
22 clamp down, control, crack down, keep in line, manage, manipulate, master, oversee, superintend, supervise.
23 come through, endure, get over, go, hold out, hold up, last, live, live on, make it, master, overcome, pull round, pull through, subdue, surmount, survive.
24 command, consolidate, control, dominate, govern, incorporate, integrate, keep in line, manipulate, master, rule.
25 command, dominate, eclipse, master, overlook, overshadow, overtop, predominate, prevail, reign, rule.
26 conquer, control, crucify, curb, domesticate, domesticise, domesticize, dominate, domineer, get over, hold sway, inhibit, master, mortify, overcome, reclaim, stamp down, subdue, suppress, surmount, tame, tyrannise, tyrannize.
27 conquer, crush, curb, inhibit, keep down, oppress, quash, reduce, repress, stamp down, subdue, subjugate, suppress.
28 conquer, curb, immobilise, immobilize, inhibit, keep down, pin, quash, reduce, repress, stamp down, subdue, subjugate, suppress, trap.
29 conquer, curb, inhibit, keep down, muffle, quash, reduce, repress, smother, stamp down, stifle, strangle, subdue, subjugate, suppress.
32 crush, dominate, drown, oppress, overmaster, overpower, overwhelm, press, press out, squeeze, submerge, suppress, weigh.
33 defeat, get over, get the best, get the better of, have the best, master, overcome, overpower, overtake, overwhelm, subdue, surmount, sweep over, whelm.
34 domesticate, domesticise, domesticize, reclaim, recover, rectify, reform, regenerate, repossess, tame.