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Словник: main
1 Creation, debut, entry, first appearance, foundation, founding, initiation, innovation, insertion, instauration, institution, intro, introduction, intromission, launching, origination, presentation, unveiling.
3 Order, category, class, eye, family, oculus, optic, point of view, stand, standpoint, stitch, title, viewpoint.
4 Usher, counsel, counseling, counselling, direction, guidance, guide, guidebook, introduction, manual, steering.
6 abstract, generalisation, generality, generalization, introduction, outline, precis, schema, scheme, sum-up, summary, synopsis.
11 caption, contents, head, header, heading, headline, index, newspaper headline, subtitle, table of contents, title.
12 championship, claim, deed, deed of conveyance, form of address, rubric, statute title, title, title of respect.