Translation Japanese English: 題
Dictionary: main
1 Base, composition, idea, melodic theme, motif, musical theme, paper, radical, report, root, root word, stem, subject, theme, topic.
2 Job, Labor, assignment, chore, composition, issue, matter, paper, problem, project, report, subject, task, theme, topic, trouble, undertaking.
6 Order, category, class, eye, family, oculus, optic, point of view, stand, standpoint, stitch, title, viewpoint.
7 accomplishment, acquirement, acquisition, affair, attainment, cloth, content, deference, depicted object, fabric, issue, material, matter, oil, regard, respect, respectfulness, skill, stuff, subject, textile, theme, thing, topic.
8 affair, affaire, agenda item, amour, business, intimacy, involvement, issue, liaison, matter, plot, subject, theme, thing, topic.
12 air, burden, composition, content, depicted object, idea, line, melodic line, melodic phrase, melodic theme, melody, motif, musical theme, paper, report, strain, subject, theme, topic, tune.
15 appellation, appellative, denomination, designation, form of address, name, title, title of respect.
17 bailiwick, case, content, depicted object, discipline, field, field of study, guinea pig, issue, matter, national, study, subject, subject area, subject field, theme, topic.
18 caption, contents, head, header, heading, headline, index, newspaper headline, subtitle, table of contents, title.
20 championship, claim, deed, deed of conveyance, form of address, rubric, statute title, title, title of respect.
21 championship, effectiveness, form of address, head, header, heading, potency, strength, title, title of respect.