Translation Japanese English: 道塗
Dictionary: main
1 Almighty, Creator, Divine, God Almighty, Godhead, Jehovah, Lord, Maker, itinerary, path, road, route.
2 agate line, assembly line, channel, communication channel, contrast, demarcation, dividing line, itinerary, line, path, production line, road, route, run.
6 bye, flip, itinerary, laissez passer, pass, passing, passing game, passing play, path, qualifying, route, toss.
8 celestial orbit, course, cranial orbit, eye socket, flight, itinerary, orbit, orbital cavity, path, rail, railroad, railroad track, rails, railway, route, runway, streetcar track, track, trajectory, tramline, tramway.
9 channel, communication channel, course, distribution channel, itinerary, line, path, road, route, track.
10 channel, communication channel, course, itinerary, line, path, physical process, procedure, process, road, route, track.
11 channel, communication channel, course, itinerary, line, path, road, route, track, way, way of life.
12 class, course, course of instruction, course of study, curriculum, form, grade, itinerary, line, path, program, programme, route, syllabus, track, trend.