Translation Japanese English: 観覧
Dictionary: main
1 absorb, adopt, assimilate, befool, bring in, catch, clear, cod, collect, consume, draw, dupe, earn, fool, gain, gather in, gull, have, imbibe, ingest, invite, make, overhear, pull in, put on, put one across, put one over, realise, realize, receive, see, slang, soak up, sop up, suck, suck in, suck up, take, take in, take up, view, watch.
2 arrest, becharm, beguile, bewitch, captivate, capture, catch, catch up with, charm, enamor, enamour, enchant, entrance, fascinate, get, grab, hitch, overhear, overtake, pick up, see, take hold of, take in, trance, trip up, view, watch.
3 ascertain, assay, assume, attempt, attend, catch, check, determine, essay, find, find out, follow, get a load, guard, have a look, keep an eye on, learn, look, look on, observe, presume, rate, search, see, seek, take a look, take care, take for granted, take in, try, try on, value, view, ward, watch, watch over, witness.
4 ascertain, assure, attend, catch, check, come across, consider, construe, control, date, determine, discover, encounter, ensure, envision, escort, examine, experience, fancy, figure, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, go out, go steady, go through, hear, image, insure, interpret, learn, look, meet, pick up, picture, project, realise, realize, reckon, regard, run across, run into, see, see to it, take care, take in, understand, view, visit, visualise, visualize, watch, witness.
5 ascertain, assure, behold, check, come across, control, determine, encounter, ensure, find, find out, insure, lay eyes on, learn, meet, realise, realize, run across, run into, see, see to it, understand, watch, witness.
6 ascertain, catch, check, consider, deal, determine, examine, find out, learn, look at, look on, see, take, take in, view, watch.
7 ascertain, catch, check, determine, find out, follow, keep an eye on, learn, look on, look out, observe, see, take in, view, watch, watch out, watch over.
1 Lot, Mass, batch, deal, flock, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, ken, mess, mickle, mint, mountain, muckle, passel, peck, pile, plenty, pot, quite a little, raft, sight, slew, spate, stack, survey, tidy sum, view, vision, visual modality, visual sense, wad.
2 aim, aspect, design, intent, intention, opinion, panorama, persuasion, point of view, prospect, purpose, scene, sentiment, sight, stand, standpoint, survey, thought, view, viewpoint, vision, vista, visual modality, visual sense.