Translation Japanese English: 薫陶
Dictionary: main
1 Department of Education, Education Department, breeding, didactics, education, educational activity, instruction, pedagogy, teaching, training.
2 arts, breeding, cultivation, culture, education, humanistic discipline, humanities, liberal arts, training.
3 breeding, bringing up, civility, didactics, education, educational activity, fosterage, fostering, genteelness, gentility, instruction, nurture, pedagogy, politeness, raising, rearing, teaching, training, upbringing.
4 breeding, bringing up, development, education, emergence, fosterage, fostering, growing, growth, maturation, nurture, ontogenesis, ontogeny, outgrowth, raising, rearing, training, upbringing.
5 breeding, bringing up, didactics, edification, education, educational activity, fosterage, fostering, grooming, instruction, nurture, pedagogy, preparation, raising, rearing, sophistication, teaching, training, upbringing.
6 breeding, bringing up, education, facts of life, fosterage, fostering, genteelness, gentility, nurture, procreation, raising, rearing, reproduction, training, upbringing.