Translation Japanese English: 脹らせる
Dictionary: main
1 advance, arouse, bring up, call down, call forth, conjure, conjure up, elevate, elicit, enhance, enkindle, erect, evoke, farm, fire, get up, grow, heighten, invoke, kick upstairs, kindle, leaven, levy, lift, nurture, parent, produce, promote, prove, provoke, put forward, put up, raise, rear, recruit, resurrect, set up, stir, upgrade, upraise.
2 aggrandise, aggrandize, amplify, blow a fuse, blow one's stack, blow up, combust, detonate, dramatise, dramatize, embellish, embroider, enlarge, expand, explode, flip one's lid, flip one's wig, fly off the handle, go ballistic, have a fit, have kittens, hit the ceiling, hit the roof, inflate, lard, lose one's temper, magnify, pad, set off, throw a fit.
3 aggrandise, aggrandize, balloon, billow, blow up, dramatise, dramatize, embellish, embroider, inflate, lard, pad, swell.
5 amplify, blow up, boom, dilate, elaborate, enlarge, expand, expatiate, exposit, expound, extend, flesh out, flourish, inflate, lucubrate, spread out, thrive.
8 amplify, blow up, exaggerate, expand, hyperbolise, hyperbolize, inflate, magnify, overdraw, overstate.
10 arise, blow up, bring up, bump up, climb, climb up, come up, elevate, get up, go up, hoist, inflate, jump, lift, mount, move up, prove, raise, rise, uplift, uprise, wax, wind.