Переклад англійською з японської: 総理
Словник: main
1 accompany, companion, company, follow, keep company, manage, oversee, play along, superintend, supervise.
2 administer, administrate, conserve, control, govern, keep, keep up, maintain, manage, order, oversee, preserve, regularise, regularize, regulate, superintend, supervise.
3 ascertain, assure, check, check into, check out, check over, check up on, contain, control, curb, determine, ensure, find out, go over, hold, hold in, insure, learn, look into, manage, moderate, oversee, see, see to it, superintend, supervise, suss out, verify, watch.
5 break, break in, check, command, condition, contain, control, curb, discipline, dominate, hold, hold back, hold in, keep, keep back, keep in line, manage, manipulate, master, moderate, monitor, operate, oversee, patrol, police, restrain, superintend, supervise, train, verify, will.
6 bring off, care, carry off, contend, cope, deal, do, finagle, get by, grapple, handle, make do, make out, manage, negociate, oversee, pull off, superintend, supervise, wangle, wield.
7 clamp down, control, crack down, keep in line, manage, manipulate, master, oversee, superintend, supervise.
9 direct, govern, invigilate, manage, order, oversee, proctor, regularise, regularize, regulate, rule, superintend, supervise.
5 Chief Executive, President, President of the United States, United States President, chair, chairman, chairperson, chairwoman, prexy.
6 Chief Executive, President, President of the United States, United States President, presiding officer, prexy.