Translation Japanese English: 消息
Dictionary: main
1 Bible, Book, Christian Bible, Good Book, Holy Scripture, Holy Writ, Logos, Scripture, Son, Word, Word of God, countersign, discussion, give-and-take, intelligence, news, parole, password, tidings, watchword, word of honor.
2 Mark, Word, augury, foretoken, info, information, intelligence, news, notice, preindication, sign, tidings.
7 Word, account, coverage, info, information, intelligence, journalism, news, news media, news report, newsworthiness, report, reportage, reporting, story, tidings, write up.
9 Word, entropy, info, information, intelligence, intelligence activity, intelligence operation, news, selective information, tidings.
12 Word, intelligence, intelligence activity, intelligence agency, intelligence information, intelligence operation, intelligence service, news, tidings.
15 counsel, counseling, counselling, direction, guidance, guide, guidebook, info, information, notice, steering.