Translation Japanese English: 承允
Dictionary: main
1 Concord, Lexington, Lexington and Concord, agreement, capital of New Hampshire, concordance, harmony.
2 Concord, accord, accordance, accordance of rights, agreement, coincidence, concordance, conformance, conformity, consensus, consistence, consistency, correspondence, happenstance, harmony, line.
4 Concord, accord, agreement, arrangement, arranging, convention, pact, transcription, treaty, understanding.
8 Concord, acknowledgement, acknowledgment, admission, agreement, approbation, approval, approving, authorisation, authorization, blessing, commendation, consent, countenance, credit, endorsement, favorable reception, favourable reception, imprimatur, indorsement, mandate, recognition, sanction, warrant.
9 Concord, acquiescence, agreement, approval, approving, assent, blessing, commendation, endorsement, favor, favorable reception, favour, favourable reception, indorsement, second, secondment.
11 Concord, agreement, appointment, arrangement, arranging, date, engagement, prescript, promise, rule, transcription, understanding.