翻訳 日本語 英語: 手順
辞書: main
1 Job, body of work, chore, mathematical operation, mathematical process, oeuvre, operation, procedure, task, work.
4 Service, business, dealing, dealings, mathematical operation, mathematical process, operation, procedure, surgery, surgical operation, surgical procedure, surgical process, transaction.
6 agency, course, course of action, fashion, manner, means, method, mode, operating procedure, operation, personal manner, procedure, style, way.
7 appendage, cognitive operation, cognitive process, mental process, operation, outgrowth, physical process, procedure, process, summons, unconscious process.
8 channel, communication channel, course, itinerary, line, path, physical process, procedure, process, road, route, track.
9 cognitive operation, cognitive process, functioning, mathematical operation, mathematical process, mental process, military operation, operation, performance, procedure, process, surgery, surgical operation, surgical procedure, surgical process.
10 conveyance, fleetness, operation, procedure, process, transfer, transferral, transport, transportation.