Translation Japanese English: 態度
Dictionary: main
2 Light, eyes, perspective, point of view, position, posture, stance, stand, standpoint, view, viewpoint.
3 Light, perception, perspective, point of view, position, posture, stance, stand, standpoint, view, viewpoint.
4 Post, attitude, berth, billet, emplacement, lieu, locating, location, military position, office, perspective, place, placement, position, positioning, posture, side, situation, spatial relation, spot, stance, status, stead, view.
5 Post, berth, billet, emplacement, locating, location, military position, office, place, placement, position, positioning, posture, side, situation, spatial relation, spot, stance, station, status.
6 Post, berth, billet, grade, hangout, haunt, junk shop, level, office, perspective, place, point of view, position, posture, repair, resort, shoes, side, situation, spot, stamping ground, stance, stand, standpoint, station, tier, view, viewpoint.
7 Round Table, Word, conference, dialogue, discourse, discussion, give-and-take, group discussion, negotiation, round-table conference, roundtable, talks, treatment.
8 Word, arguing, argument, argumentation, contention, contestation, controversy, debate, disceptation, discourse, discussion, disputation, give-and-take, public debate, tilt, treatment.
9 Word, arguing, argument, conflict, contention, contestation, controversy, difference, difference of opinion, disceptation, discourse, discussion, disputation, dispute, give-and-take, tilt, treatment.
10 act, action, behavior, behaviour, conduct, deed, demeanor, demeanour, deportment, doings, human action, human activity.
13 administration, arrangement, attitude, disposal, disposition, judicial writ, layout, mental attitude, organisation, organization, system, temperament, writ.
14 agency, behavior, behaviour, conduct, demeanor, demeanour, deportment, fashion, gesture, manner, means, method, mode, operating procedure, personal manner, style, substance, way.
15 appearance, opinion, perspective, persuasion, point of view, position, scene, sentiment, sight, stand, standpoint, thought, view, viewpoint, vision, visual modality, visual sense.
16 aspect, eyeshot, horizon, opinion, panorama, perspective, persuasion, position, prospect, purview, scene, sentiment, sight, survey, thought, view, vista.
18 attitude, bearing, carriage, military capability, military posture, military strength, position, posture, stance, strength.
19 attitude, behavior, behaviour, conduct, demeanor, demeanour, deportment, discourse, discussion, doings, mental attitude, perspective, position, posture, side, stance, treatment, view.
24 behavior, behaviour, conduct, demeanor, demeanour, deportment, method, physical process, process, summons.
27 component, component part, constituent, division, elaboration, helping, part, party, percentage, piece, portion, position, refinement, region, section, segment, serving, share, side, subdivision.
33 edge, hand, locality, neck of the woods, neighborhood, neighbourhood, position, propinquity, proximity, side, vicinity.
34 eyes, judgement, judgment, mind, opinion, persuasion, point of view, position, posture, sentiment, side, stance, stand, standpoint, thought, view, viewpoint.
- Lexicographical index
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- 態勢
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- 態度
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- 態度を決めかねている