Переклад англійською з японської: 対照実験をする
Словник: main
2 ascertain, assure, check, check into, check out, check over, check up on, contain, control, curb, determine, ensure, find out, go over, hold, hold in, insure, learn, look into, manage, moderate, oversee, see, see to it, superintend, supervise, suss out, verify, watch.
3 ascertain, assure, check, check out, command, contain, control, curb, ensure, hold, hold in, insure, keep in line, manipulate, moderate, monitor, operate, see, see to it, supervise, verify.
4 ascertain, assure, check, command, contain, control, curb, ensure, hold, hold in, insure, keep in line, manipulate, master, moderate, operate, see, see to it, verify.