Translation Japanese English: プロ
Dictionary: main
1 British Labour Party, Department of Labor, DoL, Labor, Labor Department, Labour, Labour Party, childbed, confinement, labor movement, lying-in, parturiency, project, proletariat, task, toil, trade union movement, travail, undertaking, working class.
2 Labor, Labour, course of study, curriculum, professional, professional person, program, programme, proletariat, propaganda, syllabus, working class.
4 Labor, Labour, prole, proletarian, proletariat, worker, working class, working man, working person, workingman, workman.
5 ad, advert, advertisement, advertising, advertizement, advertizing, packaging, promotion, promotional material, propaganda, publicity, publicizing.
6 bailiwick, course of study, curriculum, discipline, field, field of study, program, programme, study, subject, subject area, subject field, syllabus.
7 broadcast, computer program, computer programme, course of study, curriculum, plan, platform, political platform, political program, program, programme, syllabus.
10 class, course, course of instruction, course of study, curriculum, form, grade, itinerary, line, path, program, programme, route, syllabus, track, trend.