Translation Spanish English: revolver
Dictionary: main
1 accuse, agitate, appoint, bear down, bill, blame, buck, burden, charge, charge up, commit, commove, consign, excite, file, institutionalise, institutionalize, level, load, lodge, point, rouse, saddle, send, shoot, shoot down, tear, turn on.
2 admix, amalgamate, beat, blend, blend in, chunk, collocate, combine, commix, compound, immingle, intermingle, intermix, lump, mingle, mix, mix in, ruffle, scramble, shuffle, stir, unify.
3 admix, amalgamate, blend, chunk, coalesce, collocate, combine, commingle, commix, conflate, flux, fuse, immingle, immix, intermingle, intermix, jumble, lump, meld, melt, merge, mingle, mix, mix in, ruffle, scramble, shuffle, throw together, unify.
4 agitate, arouse, awaken, bestir, charge, charge up, commove, drive out, excite, force out, rouse, rout out, turn on, wake, wake up, waken.
5 agitate, arouse, beat, elicit, enkindle, evoke, excite, feed, fire, foment, incite, instigate, kindle, provoke, raise, scramble, set off, stimulate, stir, stir up.
6 agitate, arouse, brace, cause, charge, charge up, commove, energise, energize, excite, get, have, induce, irritate, make, perk up, rouse, shake, shake up, stimulate, stir, turn on.
7 agitate, arouse, bring up, budge, call down, call forth, conjure, conjure up, evoke, excite, invoke, put forward, raise, shake, shake up, shift, stimulate, stir, touch.
8 agitate, arouse, charge, charge up, commove, depend on, depend upon, devolve on, excite, get off, hinge on, hinge upon, ride, rouse, sex, switch on, trip, trip out, turn on, wind up.
9 agitate, arouse, charge, charge up, commove, energise, energize, excite, rouse, sex, shake, shake up, stimulate, stir, turn on, wind up.
10 agitate, beat, boil, churn, commove, didder, disturb, dither, flap, foment, jar, jolt, moil, pother, raise up, roil, shake, shake up, stir, stir up, vex.
11 agitate, beat, bowl over, charge, charge up, commove, excite, go around, grub, jumble, knock over, mix, overturn, revolve, roll, rotate, rouse, ruffle, rummage, scramble, shuffle, stir, throw together, tip over, tump over, turn on, turn over, upset.
12 agitate, beat, commove, disturb, mix, mix in, raise up, ruffle, scramble, shake up, shuffle, stir, stir up, vex.
13 agitate, beat, commove, disturb, raise up, scramble, shake, shake up, stir, stir up, vex, whip, whisk.
15 agitate, budge, campaign, charge, charge up, commove, crusade, disturb, excite, fight, foment, press, push, raise up, rouse, shake, shake up, shift, stir, stir up, turn on, vex.
18 agitate, egg on, entice, excite, exhort, fan, fire up, foment, heat, ignite, incite, inflame, inspire, instigate, lure, press, prod, prompt, set off, stimulate, stir, stir up, sweep, swing, swing out, tempt, urge, urge on, wake.
19 amalgamate, blend, coalesce, combine, commingle, commix, conflate, desegregate, flux, fuse, immix, integrate, meld, merge, mingle, mix, mix in, ruffle, shuffle, unify.
20 amaze, baffle, beat, beat out, beat up, bewilder, bunk, circumvent, crush, drum, dumbfound, exhaust, flap, flummox, get, gravel, mystify, nonplus, outfox, outsmart, outwit, overreach, perplex, pose, pound, pulsate, puzzle, quiver, scramble, shell, stick, stupefy, thrum, thump, tick, ticktack, ticktock, trounce, tucker, tucker out, vanquish, vex, wash up, work over.
21 amputate, break, break off, break up, carve, carve up, chip, chop, chop up, clip, close off, crop, cut, cut away, cut back, cut down, cut off, cut up, disconnect, discontinue, dissever, divide, dress, eat up, finish, hesitate, interrupt, knap, lop, mix, mow, nip, nip off, pause, polish off, prune, ruff, ruffle, saw, separate, sever, shuffle, shut off, slice, slice up, snip, snip off, split, split up, stop, switch off, trim, trump, trump out, turn off, turn out.
22 annul, bowl over, bring down, countermand, knock over, lift, override, overrule, overthrow, overturn, repeal, rescind, reverse, revoke, revolutionise, revolutionize, subvert, tip over, tump over, turn over, upset, vacate.
23 arc, arch, crook, curve, flip, flip over, lean back, overturn, recline, tip over, tump over, turn over.
24 back, bet on, bowl over, change by reversal, gage, game, invert, knock over, overturn, punt, reverse, stake, tip over, tump over, turn, turn back, turn over, upset.
25 beat, beat out, bilk, bowl over, bring down, bunk, crush, cut down, defeat, demolish, destroy, down, drop, fell, get the better of, knock down, knock over, overcome, overthrow, overturn, pull down, push down, shell, strike down, subvert, tip, tip over, topple, trounce, tumble, tump over, turn over, upset, vanquish.
26 beat, beat out, bowl over, coldcock, crush, cut down, deck, defeat, down, dump, floor, get the better of, knock down, knock over, overcome, overturn, pull down, push down, shell, tip over, trounce, tump over, turn over, upset, vanquish.
29 birl, circle, circulate, go around, gyrate, reel, revolve, rotate, spin, spin around, turn, twirl, whirl.
31 border, circle, circulate, circumambulate, circumvolve, coil, confine, enclose, environ, ferment, go around, gyrate, hold in, move around, patrol, police, reel, revolve, ring, rotate, round, skirt, sour, spin, spin around, spiral, surround, turn, walk around, whirl, work.
32 border, circle, circulate, circumambulate, circumvolve, coil, environ, ferment, go around, gyrate, move around, orb, orbit, overspread, patrol, police, reel, revolve, ring, rotate, round, skirt, sour, spin, spin around, spiral, spread, surround, turn, walk around, whirl, work.
33 border, circle, circulate, circumambulate, confine, enclose, environ, go around, hold in, perambulate, revolve, ring, rotate, skirt, surround, walk about, walk around.
34 bowl over, breach, break, go against, infract, knock over, offend, overturn, tip over, transgress, tump over, turn over, upset, violate.
35 bowl over, bring down, capsize, knock over, overthrow, overturn, subvert, tip over, tump over, turn over, turn turtle, turtle, upset.
36 bowl over, bring down, flip, flip over, invert, knock over, override, overrule, overthrow, overturn, reverse, subvert, tip over, tump over, turn back, turn over, upset.
37 bowl over, consider, cut into, debate, deliberate, delve, dig, flip, flip over, give, hand, knock over, moot, overturn, pass, pass on, reach, roll, tip over, tump over, turn, turn over, upset.
38 bowl over, discomfit, discompose, disconcert, disturb, knock over, overturn, swage, tip over, trouble, tump over, turn over, untune, upset.
43 cast, drift, flap, hustle, pluck, ramble, range, revolve, roam, roll, roll out, roll up, rove, seethe, stray, swan, tramp, turn over, twine, undulate, vagabond, wander, wave, wheel, wind, wrap.
44 change by reversal, flip, flip over, invert, overturn, reverse, tip over, tump over, turn, turn back, turn over.
47 cock, cockle, flick, fluff, mess up, mix, pleat, prance, riffle, ripple, ruffle, ruffle up, rumple, sashay, shuffle, strut, swagger, tittup, undulate.
53 gyrate, move around, orb, orbit, reel, revolve, roll, spin, spin around, tumble, turn, turn over, wheel, wheel around, whirl, whirl around.
- Lexicographical index
- :
- revolución
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- revolver
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- revolverse