Translation French English: opération
Dictionary: main
1 Commerce, barter, business, business enterprise, commercial enterprise, commercialism, deal, dealing, dealings, marketing, mercantilism, merchandising, selling, swap, swop, trade, transaction.
2 Commerce, barter, business, business enterprise, commercial enterprise, commercialism, dealing, dealings, mercantilism, quotient, swap, swop, trade, transaction.
3 Commerce, business, business enterprise, commercial enterprise, commercialism, dealing, dealings, mercantilism, patronage, profession, trade, traffic, transaction.
4 HUM, action, activity, busyness, function, mathematical operation, mathematical process, natural action, natural process, operation, purpose, role, use.
5 Job, body of work, chore, mathematical operation, mathematical process, oeuvre, operation, procedure, task, work.
6 Job, business, business concern, business enterprise, business organisation, business organization, business sector, byplay, clientele, commercial enterprise, concern, line, line of work, occupation, patronage, stage business.
7 Labor, business, business enterprise, commercial enterprise, industry, manufacture, operation, project, task, undertaking.
9 OR, operating room, operating theater, operating theatre, operation, surgery, surgical operation, surgical procedure, surgical process.
11 Robert William Service, Service, armed service, avail, divine service, help, inspection and repair, military service, overhaul, religious service, serve, service of process, servicing, serving, table service.
12 Robert William Service, Service, deduction, discount, price reduction, serve, servicing, support system.
14 Service, business, dealing, dealings, mathematical operation, mathematical process, operation, procedure, surgery, surgical operation, surgical procedure, surgical process, transaction.
17 action, activity, consequence, effect, event, function, influence, issue, mathematical operation, mathematical process, natural action, natural process, operation, outcome, result, upshot.
18 action, mathematical operation, mathematical process, military action, operation, surgery, surgical operation, surgical procedure, surgical process, tactics.
19 administration, direction, disposal, management, mathematical operation, mathematical process, operation.
20 agency, course, course of action, fashion, manner, means, method, mode, operating procedure, operation, personal manner, procedure, style, way.
21 bargain, business deal, compact, concordat, covenant, deal, dealing, dealings, relations, trade, traffic, transaction.
24 barter, business deal, deal, dealing, dealings, marketing, merchandising, selling, swap, swop, trade, trading, traffic, transaction.
27 cognitive operation, cognitive process, functioning, mathematical operation, mathematical process, mental process, military operation, operation, performance, procedure, process, surgery, surgical operation, surgical procedure, surgical process.
29 conveyance, fleetness, operation, procedure, process, transfer, transferral, transport, transportation.
34 function, map, mapping, mathematical function, office, operation, part, performance, procedure, province, public presentation, purpose, responsibility, role, single-valued function, use.
- Lexicographical index
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- opérateur
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- opération
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- opération de recentrage