Переклад англійською з французської: modalité
Словник: main
2 CORE, Centre, Mark, breaker point, center, detail, distributor point, essence, gist, grade, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, item, kernel, marrow, meat, nitty-gritty, nub, pith, place, point, score, spot, substance, sum, topographic point.
3 CORE, Centre, burden, center, detail, effect, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, item, kernel, marrow, meat, nitty-gritty, nub, pith, point, substance, sum.
4 Centre, center, center of attention, centering, centre of attention, detail, direction, focal point, focus, focusing, focussing, item, point.
5 DoT, Mark, detail, dit, grade, item, pip, place, point, punctuation, punctuation mark, score, spot, topographic point.
6 DoT, breaker point, compass point, decimal point, degree, detail, distributor point, full point, full stop, gunpoint, head, item, level, peak, percentage point, period, point, point in time, pointedness, power point, spot, stage, stop, tip.
7 Dominion, convention, formula, linguistic rule, normal, pattern, prescript, principle, regulation, rule, ruler.
8 Host, SHAPE, Soma, agency, anatomy, bod, build, chassis, configuration, conformation, contour, descriptor, fashion, figure, flesh, form, frame, human body, manner, material body, means, mode, pattern, physical body, physique, signifier, style, way, word form.
11 SHAPE, agency, fashion, form, interval, manner, means, mode, musical interval, personal manner, style, time interval, way.
12 SHAPE, approach pattern, blueprint, convention, design, figure, form, formula, normal, pattern, practice, radiation diagram, radiation pattern, rule, traffic pattern.
14 addiction, convention, conventionalism, conventionality, custom, dependance, dependence, dependency, formula, habit, habituation, normal, pattern, practice, praxis, rule, tradition, usage, usance, use, wont.
16 agency, arrangement, convention, detail, fashion, formula, item, manner, means, mode, musical arrangement, normal, pattern, point, regulation, rule, style, way.
17 agency, authority, bureau, delegacy, federal agency, government agency, means, office, representation, way.
18 agency, behavior, behaviour, conduct, demeanor, demeanour, deportment, fashion, gesture, manner, means, method, mode, operating procedure, personal manner, style, substance, way.
19 agency, blueprint, counsel, counseling, counselling, design, direction, fashion, guidance, guide, manner, means, method, modality, mode, mood, musical mode, pattern, performance, public presentation, style, template, templet, way.
20 agency, course, course of action, fashion, manner, means, method, mode, operating procedure, operation, personal manner, procedure, style, way.
21 agency, course, course of action, fashion, manner, means, method, mode, operating procedure, personal manner, road, style, way.
22 agency, direction, elbow room, fashion, manner, means, mode, path, room, style, way, way of life.
24 agency, fashion, manner, means, method, modal value, mode, musical mode, operating procedure, style, technique, way.
25 agency, fashion, manner, means, method, mode, operating procedure, road, spec, specification, style, way.
28 agreement, arrangement, arranging, musical arrangement, organisation, organization, placement, system, transcription.
29 architectural style, body-build, build, expressive style, fashion, habitus, manner, mode, physique, style, style of architecture, stylus, type of architecture, way.
30 arm, deal, fashion, grip, hand, handgrip, handle, handwriting, helping hand, hold, manner, manus, method, mitt, mode, move, paw, script, style, way.
32 arrangement, dance step, dictate, disposal, disposition, footfall, footstep, pace, placement, step, stride.
36 artistic style, chic, chichi, chicness, dash, elan, expressive style, fashion, flair, idiom, last word, manner, mode, modishness, panache, smartness, style, stylishness, stylus, swank, trend, vogue, way.
37 assemblage, assembly, convention, conventionalism, conventionality, formula, gathering, normal, pattern, rule.
38 bailiwick, category, class, detail, discipline, family, field, field of study, item, point, study, subject, subject area, subject field.
41 closure, convention, end, final stage, formula, habit, last, normal, pattern, prescript, regulation, resolution, rule, settlement, wont.
42 closure, convention, formula, habit, normal, ordinance, pattern, prescript, regulation, resolution, rule, settlement, wont.
49 convention, criterion, formula, guide, guideline, guidepost, measure, normal, pattern, road map, rule, rule of thumb, standard, template, templet, touchstone.
50 convention, criterion, formula, measure, normal, pattern, prescript, principle, regulation, rule, ruler, standard, straightedge, touchstone.
52 criterion, graduated table, measure, ordered series, prescript, regulation, rule, ruler, scale, scale of measurement, standard, touchstone.
53 criterion, measure, norm, ordinance, point of reference, prescript, reference, reference point, regulation, rule, standard, touchstone.
54 criterion, measure, norm, ordinance, regulation, rule, spec, specification, standard, touchstone.
56 detail, distinctive feature, distinguishing characteristic, item, particularity, peculiarity, point, specialness.