Translation Spanish English: ganar
Dictionary: main
1 abide, accomplish, achieve, adjoin, arrive at, attain, bear, brook, come across, contact, digest, encounter, endure, extend to, gain, get, have, hit, make, meet, put up, reach, reach out, run across, run into, see, stand, stick out, stomach, suffer, support, sustain, tolerate, touch.
2 absorb, adopt, assimilate, befool, bring in, catch, clear, cod, collect, consume, draw, dupe, earn, fool, gain, gather in, gull, have, imbibe, ingest, invite, make, overhear, pull in, put on, put one across, put one over, realise, realize, receive, see, slang, soak up, sop up, suck, suck in, suck up, take, take in, take up, view, watch.
3 abut, accomplish, achieve, adjoin, arrive at, attain, border, butt, butt against, butt on, edge, gain, hit, make, march, reach.
6 accomplish, achieve, add up, amount, arrive, arrive at, attain, carry, come, extend to, gain, get, get to, hit, make, number, progress to, reach, total, touch.
7 accomplish, achieve, arrive, arrive at, attain, bring, bring in, carry, catch, catch up with, come, fetch, gain, get, hit, make, overhaul, overtake, pass, range, reach, straddle.
8 accomplish, achieve, arrive at, attain, chance on, chance upon, come across, come upon, discover, fall upon, gain, happen upon, hit, light upon, make, reach, strike.
9 accomplish, achieve, arrive at, attain, contact, extend to, gain, get hold of, get through, get to, give, hand, hit, make, pass, pass on, progress to, reach, reach out, strain, strive, touch, turn over.
10 acquire, adopt, assume, benefit, come up, earn, experience, find, gain, garner, gather, get, get hold, have, incur, line up, make, obtain, profit, receive, take, take on, win.
11 acquire, advance, arrive at, attain, benefit, bring in, clear, derive, earn, gain, gain ground, gather, get ahead, hit, make, make headway, profit, pull ahead, pull in, put on, reach, realise, realize, take in, win.
12 acquire, advance, bring home the bacon, come through, deliver the goods, gain, gain ground, get ahead, make headway, pull ahead, succeed, win.
13 acquire, bring on, bring out, bully off, bump, cast, deracinate, derive, dig out, dislodge, draw, draw off, draw out, educe, elicit, evoke, extirpate, extort, extract, extrude, face off, force out, gain, get, get out, gouge, introduce, issue, let out, lift, produce, publish, pull, pull out, put out, quarry, release, remove, root out, serve, squeeze out, take, take away, take out, uproot, withdraw, wring from.
15 acquit, assoil, authorise, authorize, brighten, bring in, clear, clear up, crystalise, crystalize, crystallise, crystallize, discharge, earn, elucidate, enlighten, exculpate, exonerate, gain, illuminate, light up, make, net, pass, pull in, realise, realize, sack, sack up, shed light on, solve, sort out, straighten out, take in, top, unclutter.
16 actualise, actualize, agnise, agnize, bring in, clear, earn, gain, make, pull in, realise, realize, recognise, recognize, see, substantiate, take in, understand.
17 add, bestow, bring, bring about, bring in, bring on, carry, cause, clear, contribute, do, earn, gain, give rise, impart, induce, lend, make, make for, play, produce, pull in, realise, realize, take in, work, wreak.
18 advance, ameliorate, ascend, better, climb up, come along, come on, get along, get on, improve, jump, meliorate, move up, pick up, progress, rise, shape up, turn around.
20 ameliorate, amend, better, break, brighten, clear, clear up, heal, improve, light up, meliorate, mend, pick up, remit, turn around.
21 ameliorate, arrive at, attain, better, bring in, clear, derive, earn, gain, garner, hit, improve, make, meliorate, pull in, reach, realise, realize, take in, win.
23 answer, arrive, arrive at, attain, catch, do, gain, get in, go far, hit, make, make it, manage, reach, serve, suffice.
24 apprehend, becharm, beguile, bewitch, captivate, capture, catch, charm, clasp, clutch, compass, comprehend, dig, earn, enamor, enamour, enchant, entrance, fascinate, garner, get, get the picture, grab, grasp, grip, grok, hold, hold on, prehend, savvy, seize, take hold, take hold of, trance.
25 arrive, arrive at, attain, come, come about, end up, fall out, fetch up, finish, finish up, gain, get, go on, hap, happen, hit, land up, make, occur, pass, pass off, reach, take place, wind up.
29 arrive at, attain, attend, come off, elapse, gain, glide by, go, go along, go by, go off, go over, go to, hit, lapse, locomote, make, move, pass, proceed, reach, report, slide by, slip away, slip by, travel, work.
30 arrive at, attain, bring in, build, ca-ca, cause, clear, constitute, construct, cook, crap, create, defecate, do, draw, earn, establish, fix, form, gain, get, get to, give, have, hit, hold, induce, lay down, make, make believe, make up, make water, micturate, name, nominate, pass water, pee, pee-pee, piddle, piss, prepare, pretend, produce, progress to, puddle, pull in, reach, ready, realise, realize, relieve oneself, score, seduce, shit, spend a penny, stimulate, stool, take, take a crap, take a leak, take a shit, take in, throw, urinate, wee, wee-wee, work.
31 arrive at, attain, bump off, collide with, come to, dispatch, gain, hit, impinge on, make, murder, off, pip, polish off, rack up, reach, remove, run into, score, shoot, slay, strike, stumble, tally.
32 attract, bring in, clear, collect, draw, draw in, earn, gain, get in, make, move in, pull, pull in, realise, realize, take in.