Translation Spanish English: detener
Dictionary: main
1 abide, appease, bide, continue, delay, detain, last out, outride, persist, quell, remain, rest, ride out, stay, stay on, stay put, stick, stick around.
2 abort, block, break, break off, call off, cancel, cease, discontinue, drop, give up, halt, interrupt, kibosh, knock off, lay off, quit, scratch, scrub, stop.
3 ace, apprehend, arrest, blast, boom, breeze through, collar, complete, cop, nab, nail, nail down, pass with flying colors, peg, pick up, pinpoint, sail through, smash, sweep through.
4 adjudicate, conciliate, decide, descend, determine, ensconce, fall, finalise, finalize, get back, go down, go under, locate, make up, nail down, patch up, reconcile, resolve, root, settle, settle down, sink, square off, square up, steady down, subside, take root.
5 appeal, apprehend, arrest, attract, becharm, beguile, bewitch, captivate, capture, catch, charm, collar, comprehend, cop, enamor, enamour, enchant, ensnare, entrance, entrap, fascinate, get, intrigue, nab, nail, perceive, pick up, seize, snare, trammel, trance, trap.
6 apprehend, arrest, block, collar, confine, cop, delay, detain, halt, kibosh, nab, nail, pick up, settle, stay, stop.
7 apprehend, arrest, bring up, collar, cop, elevate, enumerate, get up, itemise, itemize, lift, list, nab, nail, name, perform, pick up, raise, recite.
8 apprehend, arrest, call for, catch, collar, collect, cop, discover, elate, find out, gain vigor, gather up, get a line, get wind, get word, hear, intoxicate, learn, lift up, nab, nail, peck, percolate, perk, perk up, pick up, receive, see, turn around, uplift.
9 apprehend, arrest, capture, catch, collar, comprehend, cop, ensnare, entrap, fascinate, get, hold, intrigue, nab, nail, perceive, pick up, snare, trammel, trap.
12 apprehend, arrest, catch, check, collar, contain, cop, get, halt, hold, hold back, nab, nail, pick up, stop, turn back.
13 apprehend, arrest, collar, compass, comprehend, cop, dig, get the picture, grasp, grok, nab, nail, pick up, quail at, savvy.
15 arrest, bar, barricade, block, block off, block up, blockade, break, break off, cease, check, contain, discontinue, end, finish, give up, halt, hold back, hold on, intercept, kibosh, lay off, quit, stop, stop over, terminate, turn back.
16 arrest, block, blockade, check, contain, defeat, deter, discourage, embarrass, forbid, foreclose, forestall, halt, hamper, handicap, hinder, hold back, keep, kibosh, kill, obstruct, preclude, prevent, shoot down, stop, stymie, stymy, turn back, vote down, vote out.
17 arrest, block, break, break off, cease, check, contain, delay, detain, discontinue, drop, end, fasten, fix, give up, halt, hold, hold back, intercept, interrupt, keep, kibosh, knock off, lay off, lead, leave, prevent, quit, result, secure, stanch, staunch, stay, stem, stop, terminate, turn back.
18 arrest, block, break, break off, cease, discontinue, give up, halt, hold, intermit, kibosh, lay off, pause, quit, stop.
19 arrest, block, cease, discontinue, draw up, give up, halt, haul up, hold, intercept, kibosh, lay off, pull up, quit, stop.
20 bar, barricade, blank out, block, block off, block up, blockade, choke up, close up, deflect, draw a blank, embarrass, forget, freeze, halt, hinder, immobilise, immobilize, impede, jam, kibosh, lug, obstruct, obturate, occlude, parry, stop, stuff, stymie, stymy.
23 block, break, break off, break short, cease, chop, chop up, cut, cut off, cut short, discontinue, end, give up, hack, halt, kibosh, lay off, quit, stop, terminate.
24 block, break, break off, discontinue, enjoin, forbid, foreclose, forestall, halt, kibosh, preclude, prevent, stop.
25 block, cease, deflect, discontinue, end, finish, give up, halt, kibosh, lay off, parry, quit, settle, stop, terminate.
26 bound, circumscribe, confine, detain, enclose, hold, hold in, limit, restrain, restrict, throttle, trammel.
28 cease, discontinue, fasten, fix, fixate, give up, intercept, keep, lay off, lead, leave, maintain, quit, result, secure, staple, stop.