Translation Spanish English: detención
Dictionary: main
2 Bond, confinement, constraint, control, hamper, limitation, restraint, restriction, shackle, trammel.
4 Curb, arrest, assay, balk, bank check, baulk, bridle, check, check mark, check-out procedure, checkout, cheque, chip, chit, confirmation, deterrent, halt, handicap, hinderance, hindrance, hitch, impediment, stay, stop, stoppage, substantiation, tab, tick, verification.
6 Nip, apprehension, arrest, catch, collar, emergency, exigency, hint, jot, mite, pinch, soupcon, speck, taking into custody, tinge, touch, tweak.
7 abatement, abeyance, break, cancellation, dangling, discontinuance, discontinuation, disruption, gap, halt, hanging, hiatus, intermission, interruption, pause, reprieve, respite, stop, stoppage, suspension, suspension system, temporary removal.
8 abortion, break, discontinuance, discontinuation, disruption, gap, induced abortion, intermission, interruption, miscarriage, pause, stop, stoppage, suspension.
9 apprehension, apprehensiveness, arrest, catch, collar, discernment, dread, misgiving, pinch, savvy, taking into custody, understanding.
11 apprehension, arrest, catch, check, collar, confinement, halt, hitch, pinch, stay, stop, stoppage, taking into custody.
12 apprehension, arrest, catch, choker, collar, dog collar, leash, neckband, pinch, shoe collar, taking into custody.
13 apprehension, arrest, catch, collar, gimmick, grab, haul, match, pinch, snap, snatch, stop, taking into custody.
14 arrest, block, blockage, catch, check, closure, diaphragm, full point, full stop, halt, hitch, layover, occlusion, occlusive, period, plosive, plosive consonant, plosive speech sound, point, stay, stop, stop consonant, stopover, stoppage.
15 arrest, break, cessation, check, freeze, halt, hitch, intermission, interruption, letup, lull, open frame, pause, relief, respite, rest, rest period, stay, stop, stoppage, surcease, suspension.
16 arrest, break, check, discontinuance, discontinuation, freeze, halt, hitch, intermission, interruption, occlusive, outage, pause, plosive, plosive consonant, plosive speech sound, stand, standstill, stay, stop, stop consonant, stoppage, suspension, tie-up.
17 arrest, check, duty tour, encumbrance, enlistment, halt, hang-up, hinderance, hindrance, hitch, hobble, incumbrance, interference, limp, preventative, preventive, rub, snag, stay, stop, stoppage, term of enlistment, tour, tour of duty.
19 catch, conclusion, coup de grace, deathblow, discontinuance, discontinuation, ending, fillet, finish, stop, stoppage, stopping.
- Lexicographical index
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- detective privado
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- detención
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- detener