Translation Spanish English: cubrir
Dictionary: main
1 abide, affirm, back, back up, bear, bear out, brook, confirm, corroborate, defend, digest, endorse, endure, fend for, hold, hold up, indorse, keep going, patronage, patronise, patronize, plump for, plunk for, put up, stand, stick out, stomach, subscribe, substantiate, suffer, support, sustain, tolerate, underpin.
2 accomplish, achieve, action, attain, carry out, carry through, complete, conform to, drop, execute, fill, fill in, fill out, fill up, fit, fulfil, fulfill, leave out, live up to, make full, make out, meet, miss, neglect, omit, overleap, overlook, pretermit, reach, satisfy.
4 acquit, assoil, authorise, authorize, brighten, bring in, clear, clear up, crystalise, crystalize, crystallise, crystallize, discharge, earn, elucidate, enlighten, exculpate, exonerate, gain, illuminate, light up, make, net, pass, pull in, realise, realize, sack, sack up, shed light on, solve, sort out, straighten out, take in, top, unclutter.
5 address, breed, brood, compensate, comprehend, continue, cover, cover up, cross, cut across, cut through, deal, embrace, encompass, enshroud, extend, get across, get over, handle, hatch, hide, incubate, insure, overcompensate, overlay, pass over, plow, report, shroud, spread over, track, traverse, treat, underwrite, wrap up.
7 advance, broaden, climb, come along, come on, continue, cover, develop, expand, extend, flourish, fly high, gain, get along, get on, go, go up, grow, lead, maturate, mature, pass, poke out, progress, prosper, reach out, rise, run, shape up, spread out, stretch, stretch along, stretch out, thrive, unfold, widen.
8 adventure, affix, breed, cover, cuff, expand, glue, hazard, jeopardize, paste, spread out, stake, stick, stick on, sting, strain, stretch, string, string along, tense, tense up, venture, whomp.
9 advise, apprise, apprize, broadcast, circularise, circularize, circulate, cover, diffuse, disperse, disseminate, distribute, fill in, give notice, instruct, notify, pass around, pay back, propagate, repay, report, reward, send word, spread.
11 answer, cope with, do, fill, fill up, fulfil, fulfill, gratify, ingratiate, live up to, make full, match, meet, occupy, pack, replete, sate, satiate, satisfy, serve, suffice.
12 apparel, bear, clothe, decorate, drape, dress, dress up, enclothe, fit out, garb, garment, habilitate, have on, model, raiment, robe, tog, vest, wear.
13 appreciate, catch on, comprehend, cotton on, cover, embrace, encompass, get it, get onto, get wise, include, latch on, take account, tumble, twig, understand.
14 apprehend, compass, comprehend, cover, dig, embrace, encompass, get the picture, grasp, grok, perceive, savvy.
15 ascertain, assure, brace, brace up, check, control, cover, ensure, fasten, fix, guarantee, insure, justify, promise, secure, see, see to it, stabilise, stabilize, steady, strap, tell, undergird, underwrite, warrant.
16 asperse, besmirch, blur, calumniate, daub, defame, denigrate, slander, smear, smirch, smudge, smutch, sully.
17 attain, continue, cover, equal, extend, extend to, go, hit, lead, match, pass, range, reach, reach into, rival, run, straddle, touch.
19 bear on, carry on, continue, cover, extend, go along, go forward, go on, keep, keep on, persist in, preserve, proceed, remain, retain, stay, stay on, uphold.
20 becloud, befog, blot out, breed, bury, cloud, conceal, cover, disguise, fog, haze over, hide, mask, mist, obliterate, obnubilate, obscure, spread over, veil, wrap, wrap up.
21 becloud, befog, blot out, breed, cloud, conceal, cover, disguise, enclose, enfold, envelop, enwrap, fog, haze over, hide, mask, mist, obliterate, obnubilate, obscure, spread over, veil, wrap, wrap up.
22 befool, breed, cod, cover, dally, diddle, douse, dowse, drench, dupe, fasten, feed, feed in, fiddle, flirt, fool, gull, hang, hang up, multiply, place, play, put on, put one across, put one over, run, sit, sit down, slang, soak, sop, souse, take in, toy.
23 befoul, blemish, blob, blot, blur, daub, defile, deflower, fleck, foul, impair, maculate, mar, smear, smudge, smutch, spoil, spot, stain, vitiate.
24 bind off, cap off, clear, clear up, finish off, finish up, get through, mop up, polish off, surmount, tie up, top, wrap up.
26 block out, breed, clear, comprehend, continue, cover, daub, drape, embrace, encompass, extend, fill, insure, perfuse, report, screen, smear, spread over, suffuse, support, top, underwrite.
30 blot out, bury, conceal, cover, disguise, enclose, enfold, envelop, enwrap, hide, mask, obliterate, obscure, spread over, veil, wrap.
31 blot out, conceal, cover, cover up, disguise, hide, mask, obliterate, obscure, spread over, veil.
32 branch out, broaden, circulate, continue, cover, cross, diffuse, diversify, expand, extend, fan out, go, go around, grow, lead, overspread, pass, poke out, reach out, run, span, spread, spread out, stretch, stretch along, stretch out, sweep, traverse, unfold, widen.
33 breed, bring up, cover, cultivate, develop, educate, erect, farm, foster, grow, multiply, nourish, nurture, parent, prepare, produce, raise, rear, sustain, train.
35 broaden, carry, continue, cover, draw out, expand, exsert, extend, gallop, go, hold out, lead, offer, pass, poke out, prolong, protract, put out, reach out, run, strain, stretch, stretch forth, stretch out, unfold, widen.
36 brush, continue, cover, dilate, draw out, elaborate, enlarge, expand, expatiate, exposit, expound, extend, flesh out, go, lead, lie, lucubrate, pass, prolong, protract, range, run, spread out, straddle, sweep, widen.
37 bury, complete, cover, entomb, fill, fill in, fill out, inhume, inter, lay to rest, make out, occupy, pack, sink.
38 cast, comprehend, continue, cover, cross, cut across, cut through, drift, embrace, encompass, extend, get across, get over, pass over, ramble, range, roam, roll, rove, run, straddle, stray, swan, track, tramp, traverse, vagabond, wander.
39 chock up, cram, cut, edit, edit out, fill, jam, jampack, pack, ram, shorten, shove, squeeze, stuff, tamp, tamp down, thrust, wad.
41 clear, exceed, go past, outdo, outgo, outmatch, outperform, outstrip, overstep, pass, surmount, surpass, top, transcend.
43 come after, continue, cover, endure, extend, follow, hold, last, postdate, stretch, stretch along.
44 complete, farce, fill, fill again, fill in, fill out, make out, refill, replenish, round out, stuff.
45 comprehend, comprise, contain, corral, cover, embrace, encompass, hold, imply, include, incorporate, integrate, involve.