Translation Spanish English: arrojar
Dictionary: main
1 abandon, boot out, cast aside, cast away, cast out, chase away, chuck out, desert, desolate, discard, discharge, dispel, dispense with, dispose, drive away, drive off, drive out, drum out, expel, fire, fling, forsake, give up, kick out, oust, part with, put away, run off, spare, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out, turn back.
2 abandon, brush aside, brush off, cast, cease, chuck, desert, desolate, discontinue, discount, dismiss, dispense with, disregard, fling, flip, forsake, give up, hurl, hurtle, ignore, lay off, part with, pitch, push aside, quit, sky, spare, stop, throw, toss.
3 abandon, cast, cast aside, cast away, cast off, cast out, chuck out, defect, desert, desolate, discard, dispense with, dispose, ditch, drop, dump, fling, foreswear, forsake, give up, part with, put away, quit, relinquish, renounce, shake off, shed, spare, throw, throw away, throw off, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out, waste.
4 abandon, cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, discard, dispose, ditch, divide, dump, emancipate, fling, free, give up, let go, let go of, liberate, loose, put away, release, relinquish, resign, separate, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out, unblock, unfreeze, unloose, unloosen.
5 abolish, abrogate, annihilate, carry off, cross off, cross out, decimate, disembarrass, do away with, egest, eliminate, eradicate, excrete, extinguish, free, get rid of, mark, pass, rid, strike off, strike out, wipe out.
7 advance, boot out, cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, discard, dismiss, dispose, drum out, expel, fling, kick out, oust, put away, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out.
8 alternate, flick, flip, flip out, flip over, flip-flop, interchange, leaf, pitch, riff, riffle, sky, switch, tack, throw, thumb, toss, turn over, twitch.
9 annihilate, carry off, decimate, do away with, egest, eliminate, eradicate, excrete, extinguish, get rid of, obviate, pass, reject, rid of, rule out, winnow out, wipe out.
10 authorise, authorize, blow over, buy the farm, cash in one's chips, choke, clear, come about, communicate, conk, croak, decease, devolve, die, draw, drop dead, egest, elapse, eliminate, evanesce, exceed, excrete, exit, expire, extend, fade, fall, fall out, fleet, give, give-up the ghost, glide by, go, go across, go along, go by, go on, go past, go through, guide, hand, hap, happen, kick the bucket, lapse, lead, legislate, make it, make pass, occur, overhaul, overstep, overtake, pass, pass along, pass away, pass by, pass off, pass on, perish, pop off, put across, reach, return, run, sink, slide by, slip away, slip by, snuff it, spend, surpass, take place, top, transcend, travel by, turn over.
11 ban, banish, blackball, cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, discard, dispose, fling, ostracise, ostracize, put away, shun, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out.
13 bar, cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, debar, discard, dispose, do away with, eliminate, except, exclude, extinguish, fling, get rid of, leave off, leave out, obviate, omit, put away, reject, remove, rid of, rule out, take, take away, take off, take out, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out, winnow out, withdraw.
14 barf, be sick, cast, cast off, cat, chuck, contrive, couch, disgorge, draw, drift, drop, frame, honk, hurl, hurtle, mold, mould, project, puke, purge, put, ramble, range, redact, regorge, regurgitate, retch, roam, roll, rove, shake off, shed, sick, spew, spue, stray, swan, throw, throw away, throw off, throw up, tramp, upchuck, vagabond, vomit, vomit up, wander.
17 blot out, bump off, cancel, delete, dispatch, dispense with, do away with, egest, eliminate, excrete, extinguish, get rid of, hide, hit, murder, obliterate, obscure, off, pass, polish off, remove, slay, veil.
18 boot out, can, chuck out, direct, discharge, dismiss, displace, drop, effuse, egest, eject, eliminate, exclude, excrete, fire, flip, force out, give notice, give the axe, give the sack, heave, mail, pass, pitch, post, pour, pour out, sack, send, send away, send packing, sky, terminate, toss, turf out, turn out.
19 boot out, cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, discard, discharge, dispose, drum out, eject, evict, exhaust, expel, extrude, fling, force out, kick out, oust, put away, release, rout, rout out, squeeze out, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out.
20 boot out, cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, discard, dispose, eject, exclude, fling, put away, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out, turf out, turn out.
21 boot out, chuck out, discharge, eject, exclude, exhaust, expel, force out, release, squeeze out, squirt, turf out, turn out.
22 bounce, bound, cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, discard, dispose, fling, jounce, jump, leap, put away, spring, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out.
23 brush aside, brush off, cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, discard, discount, dismiss, dispose, disregard, fling, ignore, push aside, put away, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out.
24 cast, cast aside, cast away, cast off, cast out, chuck out, discard, dispose, drop, except, exclude, fling, leave off, leave out, omit, put away, remove, shake off, shed, take, take away, take out, throw, throw away, throw off, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out, withdraw.
25 cast, cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, discard, dispose, egest, eject, eliminate, excrete, flap down, flick, fling, flip, hurl, hurtle, pass, put away, slam, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out.
26 cast, cease, chuck, discontinue, flick, fling, flip, give up, hurl, hurtle, jerk, lay off, pitch, quit, sky, stop, throw, toss.
31 cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck, chuck out, convulse, discard, dispose, fling, flip, jactitate, pitch, put away, sky, slash, thrash, thrash about, thresh, thresh about, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out.
32 cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, commit, consecrate, dedicate, devote, discard, dispose, fling, give, put away, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out.
33 cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, discard, dispose, ditch, dump, fling, put away, remove, take, take away, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out, withdraw.
34 cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, discard, dispose, fling, gaol, immure, imprison, incarcerate, jail, jug, lag, lock, lock away, lock in, lock up, put aside, put away, put behind bars, put to sleep, remand, shut away, shut up, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out, tuck away, tuck in.
35 cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, discard, dispose, fling, incline, put away, qualify, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out.
36 cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, discard, dispose, fling, jettison, put away, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out.
37 cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, discard, dispose, fling, neglect, put away, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out.
38 cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, discard, dispose, fling, put away, splurge, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out.
42 egest, eliminate, excrete, free, let go, let go of, liberalise, liberalize, liberate, loose, pass, release, relinquish, unloose, unloosen.
- Lexicographical index
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- arrojado
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- arrojar
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- arrojar la toalla