Переклад англійською з іспанської: arreglar
Словник: main
1 abrade, brush up, down, file, fine-tune, polish, polish up, refine, round, round off, scour, scrub, shine, smooth, smoothen.
2 accomplish, action, arrange, carry out, carry through, create, effect, execute, follow out, follow through, follow up, fulfil, fulfill, go through, implement, make, perform, put through, realise, realize, stage.
3 accomplish, action, brush up, carry out, carry through, complete, discharge, dispatch, execute, fill in, fill out, finish, fulfil, fulfill, make out, nail, polish, polish up, round, round off, round out.
4 acquire, beat up, bring home the bacon, come by, come into, come through, come up, deliver the goods, drum up, find, fix up, get, get hold, line up, muster, muster up, obtain, rally, succeed, summon, win.
5 act, answer, arrange, behave, cause, coif, coiffe, coiffure, come, do, dress, execute, exercise, fare, get along, make, make out, manage, perform, practice, practise, serve, set, suffice.
6 actuate, alter, carry, change, control, determine, dislodge, displace, execute, incite, influence, modify, mold, motivate, move, operate, persuade, prompt, propel, regulate, reposition, run, shape, shift, sway, swing, swing over.
8 adjudicate, clean up, decide, determine, dispose of, do in, kill, knock off, liquidate, neaten, neutralise, neutralize, put aside, put away, resolve, settle, square away, square off, square up, straighten, straighten out, tidy, tidy up, waste.
10 adjust, align, aline, alter, arrange, brush up, bushel, clean up, coif, coiffe, coiffure, do, doctor, dress, fix, fix up, furbish up, line up, mend, neaten, polish, polish up, repair, restore, round, round off, set, set up, slick up, smarten up, spiff up, spruce, spruce up, square away, stage, straighten, straighten out, tidy, tidy up, titivate, tittivate, touch on.
12 adjust, align, aline, befit, beseem, conform to, correct, fasten, fit, line up, meet, set, suit, tighten.
16 adjust, arrange, assort, class, classify, clean up, correct, neaten, separate, set, set up, sort, sort out, square away, straighten, straighten out, tidy, tidy up.
17 adjust, arrange, clean up, correct, fix up, neaten, organise, organize, set, set up, square away, stage, straighten, straighten out, tidy, tidy up, tune, tune up.
18 adjust, arrange, coif, coiffe, coiffure, congeal, correct, countersink, define, determine, do, dress, fix, fructify, gear up, go down, go under, jell, lay, lay out, limit, localise, localize, mark, place, plant, pose, position, prepare, put, ready, rig, set, set up, sic, specify, typeset.
19 advert, assist, attend, attend to, bushel, doctor, fix, furbish up, give ear, hang, heed, listen, mend, mind, pay heed, repair, restore, serve, service, take to heart, touch on, wait on.
20 affect, bear on, bear upon, bushel, come to, concern, doctor, fix, furbish up, have-to doe with, impact, mend, pertain, refer, relate, repair, restore, touch, touch on.
21 alter, ameliorate, amend, audit, better, change, change state, compensate, convert, correct, improve, inspect, meliorate, modify, reclaim, rectify, redress, reform, regenerate, reshape, retool, revise, right, scrutinise, scrutinize, turn.
22 alter, amend, castigate, change, chasten, chastise, compensate, correct, heal, modify, objurgate, rectify, redress, refit, reform, revise, right.
24 amend, animate, bushel, compensate, doctor, fix, furbish up, indemnify, mend, quicken, reanimate, recompense, recreate, rectify, remediate, remedy, renovate, repair, resort, restore, revive, revivify, touch on, vivify.
25 analyse, analyze, brush up, canvas, canvass, examine, polish, polish up, round, round off, shine, smooth, smoothen, study.
26 apparel, arrange, clip, clothe, coif, coiffe, coiffure, crop, curry, cut back, decorate, do, dress, dress out, dress up, enclothe, fit out, garb, garment, garnish, get dressed, groom, habilitate, line up, lop, plume, preen, primp, prune, raiment, set, snip, tog, trim.
27 apparel, clothe, dress, enclothe, fit out, garb, garment, habilitate, raiment, slick up, smarten up, spiff up, spruce, spruce up, titivate, tittivate, tog.
28 arrange, assemble, clean up, gather, get together, neaten, set up, square away, straighten, straighten out, tidy, tidy up.
29 arrange, assemble, effect, effectuate, ensnare, entrap, erect, establish, fix, found, frame, gear up, instal, install, launch, lay out, order, piece, pitch, prepare, put, put in, put together, put up, raise, ready, rear, rig, set, set up, tack, tack together.
32 arrange, concoct, cook, cook up, devise, fix, fix up, gear up, get up, machinate, make, offer, organise, organize, prepare, ready, set, set up, stage.
33 arrange, coordinate, devise, direct, engineer, get up, machinate, mastermind, orchestrate, order, organise, organize, prepare, put, set up, stage.
37 arrange, move, place, place down, position, post, put, put down, send, set down, set up, station.
39 assail, assault, attack, brush up, fill out, flesh out, labialise, labialize, lash out, polish, polish up, round, round down, round off, round out, snipe.
40 bray, brush up, chafe, comminute, crunch, file, fray, fret, gall, grind, itch, mash, massage, polish, polish up, round, round off, rub, scratch, strike, stroke.
41 brush up, chafe, fray, fret, itch, polish, polish up, round, round off, rub, scour, scratch, scrub, shine, smooth, smoothen, stroke.
42 brush up, hone, lave, point, polish, polish up, round, round off, sharpen, shine, smooth, smoothen, strop, taper, wash, whet.
43 brush up, hone, point, polish, polish up, round, round off, scour, scrub, sharpen, shine, smooth, smoothen, strop, taper, whet.
45 bushel, cook, define, deposit, desex, desexualise, desexualize, determine, doctor, fasten, fix, fixate, furbish up, gear up, get, limit, make, mend, pay back, pay off, posit, prepare, ready, repair, restore, secure, set, set up, situate, specify, sterilise, sterilize, touch on, unsex.
48 bushel, doctor, fix, furbish up, mend, reconstruct, reestablish, regenerate, reinstate, rejuvenate, repair, restitute, restore, touch on.
51 clean, clean out, clean up, clear, clear out, make clean, neaten, pass over, pick, scavenge, square away, straighten, straighten out, strip, tidy, tidy up, unclutter, wipe.