Переклад англійською з іспанської: acceso
Словник: main
3 Hall, access, accession, adit, admission, admission charge, admission fee, admission price, admittance, antechamber, anteroom, approach, citation form, deposit, down payment, entering, entrance, entrance fee, entrance hall, entrance money, entranceway, entree, entry, entry word, entryway, foyer, incoming, ingress, innings, lobby, main entry word, price of admission, theater ticket, theatre ticket, vestibule.
6 access, accession, admission, admittance, approach, attack, door, doorway, entree, room access, threshold.
7 access, accession, admission, admittance, entrance, entranceway, entree, entry, entryway, main course.
8 access, advance, approach, approach path, approach shot, approaching, attack, coming, feeler, glide path, glide slope, overture, plan of attack.
9 access, advance, approach, approaching, closeness, closing, closure, coming, feeler, nearness, overture.
10 access, approach, footfall, footstep, gait, mountain pass, move, notch, pace, pass, passage, passing, rate, step, stride, transition, tread.
11 animadversion, attack, blast, censure, fire, flack, flak, offence, offense, offensive, onrush, onset, onslaught, raid, strike.
12 approach, attack, attempt, blast, fire, flack, flak, onrush, onset, onslaught, plan of attack, tone-beginning.
13 attack, attempt, blast, fire, flack, flak, offence, offense, offensive, onrush, onset, onslaught, strike.
15 attack, encroachment, incursion, intrusion, invasion, invasion of privacy, onrush, onset, onslaught, penetration, raid.
17 beginning, citation form, door, doorway, entrance, entranceway, entree, entry, entry word, entryway, main entry word, mouth, room access, start, threshold.