Translation Japanese English: 魂
Dictionary: main
1 Almighty, Creator, Divine, Father, Father-God, Fatherhood, God, God Almighty, Godhead, Jehovah, Kami, Lord, Maker, Supreme Being, deity, divinity, graven image, idol, immortal, spirit.
3 CORE, Centre, affection, affectionateness, bosom, center, essence, eye, fondness, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, kernel, marrow, meat, mettle, middle, nerve, nitty-gritty, nub, philia, pith, pump, spirit, spunk, substance, sum, tenderness, ticker, warmheartedness, warmness.
4 CORE, Centre, beloved, bosom, center, dear, dearest, essence, eye, gist, heart, heart and soul, honey, inwardness, kernel, love, marrow, meat, middle, midst, nitty-gritty, nub, pith, pump, substance, sum, thick, ticker.
5 CORE, Centre, bosom, center, essence, ether, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, kernel, marrow, meat, nitty-gritty, nub, pith, quintessence, substance, sum.
12 Sand, backbone, boldness, brass, braveness, bravery, cheek, courage, courageousness, daring, face, grit, gumption, guts, hardihood, hardiness, moxie, nerve, spirit.
21 brain, brainpower, esprit, humor, humour, learning ability, mental capacity, mentality, spirit, wit, witticism, wittiness.
23 disembodied spirit, emotional state, feel, feeling, flavor, flavour, heart, intent, life, liveliness, look, purport, smell, spirit, sprightliness, tone.