Translation Japanese English: 館
Dictionary: main
2 Asaph Hall, Charles Francis Hall, Charles Martin Hall, G. Stanley Hall, Granville Stanley Hall, Hall, Marguerite Radclyffe Hall, Radclyffe Hall, antechamber, anteroom, dorm, dormitory, entrance hall, foyer, hallway, lobby, manor hall, manse, mansion, mansion house, residence, residence hall, student residence, vestibule.
3 Base, abode, domicile, dwelling, dwelling house, family, habitation, home, home base, home plate, house, household, menage, nursing home, place, plate, rest home.
5 Hall, abidance, abode, domicile, dorm, dormitory, dwelling, dwelling house, habitation, home, residence, residence hall, residency, student residence.
7 Hall, abode, domicile, dwelling, dwelling house, habitation, home, manse, mansion, mansion house, residence.
14 Maker, abode, domicile, dwelling, dwelling house, family, habitation, home, house, household, manufacturer, manufacturing business, menage.
15 abidance, abode, domicile, dwelling, dwelling house, habitation, home, place, residence, residency.
17 abode, apartment, domicile, dwelling, dwelling house, flat, floor, flooring, habitation, home, level, storey, story.
19 abode, cellar, domicile, dwelling, dwelling house, habitation, home, married woman, room, root cellar, sheath, wife.
20 abode, den, domicile, dwelling, dwelling house, habitation, hideaway, hideout, home, house, residence.
21 abode, domicile, dwelling, dwelling house, family, family relationship, habitation, home, house, household, kinship, menage, place, relationship.
27 business firm, family, firm, home, house, household, mansion, menage, planetary house, sign, sign of the zodiac, star sign, theater, theatre.