Translation Japanese English: 陰性
Dictionary: main
1 annoying, antsy, blue, bothersome, dark, dingy, disconsolate, dismal, drab, drear, dreary, fidgety, fretful, galling, gloomy, grim, irritating, itchy, melancholy, nettlesome, pesky, pestering, pestiferous, plaguey, plaguy, somber, sombre, sorry, teasing, vexatious, vexing.
2 black, bleak, blue, dark, dim, dingy, disconsolate, dismal, dour, drab, drear, dreary, faint, gloomy, glowering, glum, grim, melancholy, moody, morose, saturnine, shadowed, shadowy, shady, somber, sombre, sorry, sour, sullen, tenebrific, tenebrious, tenebrous, umbrageous, unenlivened, vague, wispy.
3 blue, chapfallen, chopfallen, crestfallen, damp, dampish, dark, deflated, depressed, dingy, disconsolate, dismal, dispirited, down, down in the mouth, downcast, downhearted, drab, drear, dreary, gloomy, grim, humid, low, low-spirited, melancholy, moist, somber, sombre, sorry, wet.
4 blue, dark, depressed, dingy, disconsolate, dismal, dispirited, down, down in the mouth, downcast, downhearted, drab, drear, dreary, gloomful, glooming, gloomy, grim, low, low-spirited, melancholy, somber, sombre, sorry, sulky.
5 ceremonial, courtly, dignified, formal, humorless, humourless, melancholy, somber, sombre, stately, unhumorous.
10 dogged, dour, forbidding, grim, melancholy, persistent, pertinacious, somber, sombre, tenacious, unyielding.