Translation Japanese English: 景色
Dictionary: main
1 African tea, Arabian tea, CAT, baseball swing, cut, cutting, haircut, illustration, kat, khat, picture, qat, quat, scene, shot, swing, undercut.
3 aim, aspect, design, intent, intention, opinion, panorama, persuasion, point of view, prospect, purpose, scene, sentiment, sight, stand, standpoint, survey, thought, view, viewpoint, vision, vista, visual modality, visual sense.
6 aspect, candidate, chance, expectation, medical prognosis, outlook, panorama, prognosis, prospect, scene, view, vista.
7 aspect, chance, horizon, overview, panorama, prospect, purview, resume, scene, sight, sketch, survey, view, vista.
8 aspect, conniption, fit, panorama, picture, prospect, scene, scenery, setting, shot, tantrum, view, vista.
10 aspect, expression, face, facet, facial expression, look, panorama, prospect, scene, view, vista.
11 aspect, eye, panorama, prospect, scene, sight, view, vision, vista, visual modality, visual sensation, visual sense.
12 aspect, eyeshot, horizon, opinion, panorama, perspective, persuasion, position, prospect, purview, scene, sentiment, sight, survey, thought, view, vista.
15 background, circumstance, context, ground, mise en scene, scene, scenery, scope, setting, stage setting.
17 characterisation, characterization, delineation, depiction, exposure, film, flick, icon, ikon, image, impression, mental picture, motion picture, motion-picture show, movie, moving picture, moving-picture show, painting, photo, photograph, pic, pictorial matter, picture, picture show, scene, video, word picture, word-painting.
19 field, field of force, floor, force field, grounds, location, picture, place, position, scene, spot, topographic point, trading floor.