Translation Japanese English: 斑点模様
Dictionary: main
2 Mark, blot, brand, dapple, daub, fleck, maculation, patch, slur, smear, smirch, smudge, speckle, spot, stain, stigma.
3 Mark, blot, brand, dapple, fleck, maculation, marking, patch, smear, smirch, speckle, spot, stain, stigma.
4 Post, berth, billet, bit, blot, dapple, daub, fleck, maculation, office, patch, pip, place, point, position, situation, slur, smear, smirch, smudge, speckle, spot, spotlight, stain, topographic point, touch.
5 bandage, dapple, darn, eyepatch, fleck, maculation, mend, patch, piece, plot, plot of ground, plot of land, speckle, spell, spot, temporary hookup, while.